New Astrology Software

New Astrology Software

iPhemeris Astrology Charts – Clifford Ribaudo

When the lead developer shuttered the store-front that made my favorite, long-time standard astrology software, I was a bit lost.

Recent Apple decisions, such as totally abandoning support for 32 bit software (your computer supports both 32 and 64 bit software equally well now) is just one of the latest changes from Apple that benefits them more than the average Mac owner. Many of you have told us this in your calls and emails. Ultimately the cost of rewriting all of our programs to 64 bit is prohibitive. Thus the inescapable decision to close up shop.

Time Cycles

Verbatim from the announcement email.

Two problems for me, one, the 20,000+ charts on file, and two, adapting to a new program. For its faults, the program ran, and ran well. Robust with calculations and reports. Good stuff. I have an original low 4 digit serial number for my license. Cool, but ultimately, now useless. Was good stuff. Did nice graphics and the backbone for my work was first plotted on that software.

So the new program, the one I’ve settled on for now?

Two elements help with the decision, for one, it plays well across the whole Apple ecosystem, as in I can do a chart, on my phone, on the fly, and it will show up on my desktop, magically.

I can’t emphasizes the importance of that enough, the iThing compatibility, across the entire product range. My old files from the now-dead program included a weird numbering system — each file only holds 960 charts — so I would have one set of charts on the laptop at the time, then another on the desktop, and I didn’t ever want lost data. Always worried I would run out of alphabet for numbering.

As a side note, I’ve been using Apple’s Pages and Ulysses for seamless writing across my multiple device arrangements. Start writing on an iPad in the kitchen and by the time I walk into the bedroom the file is already available on the laptop.

The other software feature that I liked was an ephemeris, plain and simple, just one click and there’s the month planet locations, with a bonus, the usual lunar phases and Moon Void of Course.

New Astrology Software

I’ve played with maybe three or four astrology apps, and one worked for while, but I came back to the iPhemeris because it works, it’s relatively inexpensive, and what wasn’t spent on fancy graphics was invested in a solid motor. Great motor.

So, the problem being, now? When I sit with an old client, the first question will be getting all that birth data collected again, first name, last name, date of birth, time of birth, place of birth.

What I’ll miss? The ability to churn out astrology reports. The upside to that, my book of transits is just about done, just a few more adjustments, and what used to be a report will be a searchable ebook, and also available as a printed book, too.

The new software? I’m on a trial basis now, but it does what I need it to do, and it does it well enough I can navigate around and dig out the exact data I need when I’m in the process of prognostications.

New Astrology Software

iPhemeris Astrology Charts – Clifford Ribaudo

iPhemeris Astrology Charts – Clifford Ribaudo – Kramer Wetzel

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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