These 3 Steps Stop Retrograde Mayhem

These 3 Steps Stop Retrograde Mayhem

Seriously, These 3 Steps Stop Retrograde Mayhem!
We’ve all heard about it, right “Mercury is in Retrograde! The sky is falling! Don’t sign any documents! Don’t buy a computer! Stay inside under the bed! Communications are all messed up! The end is nigh! Hide! Run away!
Not being a fan of fear-based protocols, I tend to favor a more lenient and hopeful outlook. Got three steps that will make the retrograde patterns far more endurable, enjoyable, and easier to navigate. It’s like no problem at all.

These 3 Steps Stop Retrograde Mayhem

The first one is easy enough, and I would suppose, with Amazon, easy anywhere, but here is more fun:
Step 1: Reversing candle.

Currently, I get a couple of these at the local grocery store, and each candle’s imagery has changed a little, recently, but I’ll get three or four of these before Mercury is totally retrograde. I have a spot — again this is the current arrangement — where I can leave one lit, in the fireplace.
The constant flame, the subtle reminder that the candle will reverse the bad luck foisted upon us mortals by the fate of the heavens, and the retrograde mayhem, all of that? The candle serves as a light to drive away the bad stuff.
Symbolically, too, there’s the idea that the flame, and the action of burning the candle, as an act of devotion, pay a penitence to the retrograde mayhem and serves to reverse the unkind actions.

These 3 Step Stop Retrograde Mayhem

Step 2: strong coffee.

Again, there is the local version and the version that is available from Amazon. On the retail giant’s site? Death Wish Coffee. Locally? I get a brand called “Jet Fuel.”
At one time, I elucidated part of the ritual I use with this kind of strong coffee, dinking it out of a demitasse cup. Doesn’t matter much, the idea is that strong coffee, early, or throughout the day helps immensely.
Quite simple. Strong coffee. Mileage may vary from individual to individual as to whether it really is “strong coffee” or some other substance, but the idea — and metaphor — is quite clear. Strong coffee.

These 3 Step Stop Retrograde Mayhem

Of the three steps, this one is the most near to me, and might seem a little self-serving, but there it is. Nothing like looking back over what I’ve done, and thinking:

  • “Is there really an answer for this?”
  • There is: The Portable Mercury Retrograde.

Questions, answers, and some helpful hints, packed in an easy to read volume, and the digital version, Apple or Amazon? Cheap.
Printed copies are available from amazon or wherever fine books are sold.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde
Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel
Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde
Portable Mercury Retrograde

These 3 Step Stop Retrograde Mayhem

Indio Products Reversible Red/Black Candle – Silkscreen 2 Color 7 Day

Death Wish Organic USDA Certified Whole Bean Coffee, 16 Ounce Bag
Portable Mercury Retrograde
Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel
Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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