Anno Mirabilis 3
“Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.”
Hamlet (V.i.88)
One of the essential concepts I try and deliver? Astrology is nothing more than language, like poetical language, highly charged with meaning. Watch real aficionados when they talk about a shared topic. Look around, at a gathering of astrologers, there will be heated and animated discussions with a special shorthand code, “Then I had Pluto square that, and you know how that goes!”
People outside our circles don’t understand.
I wanted to title this talk, “Generations in generations and the year ahead,” but that’s a little unwieldily.
Anno Mirabilis 3
Generations in generations.
Each “generation in a generation” is merely a subset of larger whole. But the two generations that are largely Capricorn subsets? 1959-1961 (ish) and the Harmonic Convergence Millennials 1987-1993 (ish)? With those two specific subsets, that’s where there’s a concentration of Capricorn. Capricorn and Saturn.
As noted before?
“Tangible results from practical effort.”
(cf. Jupiter in Capricorn)
Anno Mirabilis 3
Let’s discuss “All things Capricorn for a moment. Its planet is Saturn, and Saturn is roughly on a 28 year cycle. For the sake brevity, let’s just assume it’s that 28-year cycle. 1960 to 1988? Part of that “Saturn Cycle.”
How Capricorn tends to present? It’s an energy that tries to find real-world connections, practical uses, productive outcomes for regular action. To some, Capricorn favors the mundane and routine. While all generalizations are false, part of the heart of Capricorn is about finding practical application to toil and travail.
An early, integral part of my education included the book, The Tao of Pooh, as both a philosophical and metaphysical ideology. It also re-introduced me to Eyore, the sad, saturnine donkey.
So here are three versions of my understanding of the Capricorn energy. That poor donkey, “No good will come out of this, alas.” The industrious, “We need to make money with this,” type, and finally, the harvesting individual, that original archetype of the new year.
Saturn’s glyph? Know what that is? It’s, I’ve been told, the Scythe of Cronus. That’s inserted into the greater subconscious as the old man at the end of the year, presaging the baby of the new year.
A more modern version? Because I spent a fair amount of time in border towns, I found the cult of the dead, a figure of a hooded death’s head, usually with a Yorick-like skull in skeletal hand, and the scythe. Grim Reaper?
Specifically, in the border towns with the allegedly criminal element, the “Cult of the Dead” is popular. Smugglers consider it a patron saint; although, we’re hard pressed to find it in the current pantheon of Judeo-Christian mythos.
The coming year presents two very distinct flavors of energy.
Anno Mirabilis 3
One of my buddies has a perfect bumper sticker for the saturnine donkey version of this coming year, and like a true Capricorn, she’s always off on a new rant, watching the news and yelling at the TV. But the sticker reads, “If you are not completely appalled, you haven’t been paying attention.” That’s the Eyore version. “No good will ever come of this.”
Flip it around, and the Cult of the Dead, with its iconic Grim Reaper(ish) figure and figurine, featured on candles and in iconography? It’s about reaping what was sown.
The symbolism is frightfully clear, about cutting away what doesn’t work.
Maybe the Stoics were right.
Anno Mirabilis 1 | Anno Mirabilis 2 | Anno Mirabilis 3 – Kramer Wetzel
Bare Foot Astrology (Volume 1)