Looking Back

Looking Back

Old Jimmy Buffet song, usually in his rotation at all shows?

“I took off for a weekend last month
Just to try and recall the whole year.”

  • Changes In Latitudes,
    Changes In Attitudes

    (Jimmy Buffett)

Professionally, I passed the six-year mark at the rock shop in Austin, having toyed with the idea of other venues, but that one, with its consistency? Been the best for me. Enjoy my time there.

My tenure allowed me a chance to hone and refine the way I work. I still get the occasional “No, not interested in astrology, how about a card reading” walk-in customers. Keeps me on my toes, and keeps me in touch with my roots. Then, too, the place itself is thoroughly enjoyable.

It’s settled into an even pace of 1st & 3rd, then after coordinator replacement, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays.

Always did have a fondness for Tuesday in Austin, cf., Two-Meat Tuesday.

So it will be alternate astrology on alternate Tuesdays, still. In Austin.

Time spent in “hospital” waiting rooms? Escorting friends and family then waiting on procedures and therapies, that’s dropped off for a bit, was quite busy as the designated driver for the last few years, especially for the first half of this last year. About done with that, I hope. Not me, just being a supportive friend.

“Kramer, you’re a true friend. If you ever need stool softener — I will return the favor!”

If it’s not fun and entertaining, then I’m not interested, nor, do I feel like I should be required to participate.

Now that neighbor? Anything for him — he’s fun.

New mantra, “This is my last year for putting up with this BS.”

Looking Back

Last summer was the Scottish play, Comedy of Errors, and… Richard 2. Spurious, idle studies beforehand yielded some new material, and a love of wordplay, yet again, but also turned a new favorite spot to stay, in a shipping container ‘house,’ such as it is. Stay awesome. That is an experience I would recommend, again and again.

Looking Back

New premise, born out the last year’s dabbling with Shakespeare in print and on stage? It’s not the words, but the spaces between them. Not original, but an idea. Discuss.

An old Sagittarius buddy, long ago, observed he liked my daily dribbling. “It’s not what you say, but what’s left unsaid.”

That came back around, end of the year pause and reflect.

Looking Back

A single post that sums up much, professionally, personally, and with some unstated goals?

The Ditch.

Looking Back

There was one outstanding fishing trip. Two? Three? The Texas Gulf Coast, the Devil’s Elbow? The hurricane two years ago seemed to upset the fishing pattern, but it’s back, and fishing was as good as always. Looking forward to more trips this coming season.

Looking Back

The perfect game? Watching Millennials “OK Boomer” — my peeps. Perfect Gen X game.



Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel

Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon



About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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