Concatenate, def.
verb (used with object), con·cat·e·nat·ed, con·cat·e·nat·ing.
to link together; unite in a series or chain.
linked together, as in a chain.
In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of “web” and “blog” is “weblog”.
con·cat·e·nate (kŏn-kăt′n-āt′, kən-)
tr.v. con·cat·e·nat·ed, con·cat·e·nat·ing, con·cat·e·nates
- To connect or link in a series or chain.
- Computers To arrange (strings of characters) into a chained list.
adj. (-nĭt, -nāt′)
Connected or linked in a series.
(via free dictionary)
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