Hit List
Hit List (A Stone Barrington Novel)In the past few months, I’ve read a great number of “Sandford” novels. Mostly from a series that plays on the term “Prey,” as part of the individual titles. All library books. Or most. Yeah, most of them were from the digital library, either Bexar BiblioTech or SAPL. Hat tip.
We love libraries and librarians.
Looking at close to 30 books, though, puts a series in perspective, reading from one year to the next, cramming whole decades into a week’s worth of novels. What it did, most of all? Whetted an appetite for the next Stuart Woods novel, whatever it is going to be.
I tend to think of Stuart Woods novels as mental cotton candy. Sweet, delicious, mostly air, and then, spun sugar with just enough flavor and color to appear filling. Too much might be bad for the teeth, mind, and stomach, but a little bit? Imminently satisfying.
Part of the conclusion included a motorcycle chase towards the end of the novel. A little improbable. However, at that point in the tale, I was so invested, the fiction was real enough to carry the notions and motions along their break-neck trajectory.
Enjoyable reading, for me, either way.
Best of all? There should be another one, soon.