Leo Cards

Leo Cards

In my “Every Day Carry” tarot deck, the Thoth Deck, the Leo Cards I plucked out?

Always start — and finish with “Lust” from the Major Arcana, Number 11. In that Rider-Waite deck? This is strength, still a majestic Leo lion.

The Full Moon is near noon on Monday, a Full Moon Monday, with the moon, as expected, on a Leo/Aquarius axis. However, the The Leo Cards tell the story, slightly rearranged.

  • 5 — Strife, 5 of Wands (Saturn)
  • 7 — Valour, 7 of Wands (Mars)
  • 6 — Victory, 6 of Wands (Jupiter)
  • 11 — Lust (Major Arcana)

This Full Moon is bringing some “closure” — look at my order for the cards, “Strife” followed by “Valour” leading to “Victory.”

There are two elements in heavy play, way I interpret this. One is the mystical side of the intellect, symbolized by Aquarius, the Moon is in Aquarius. There’s an intellectual component one must acknowledge, and balance that against the raw emotions of the fiery Leo.

There is a small — or large — victory, as foretold.

“It’s in the cards!”

Or not.

Strife is about what’s been going on, globally, locally, in a damn near every person’s life, seems like.

Valour is about valiantly facing that strife, taking it as it comes. Since the Suit of Wands deals with the element fire? An impassioned approach serves; show that heart-felt desire for an answer. Or whatever it is we’re seeking?

Victory comes from working towards that. Overcome strife with valor.

Lust — strength — depends, but as I used to explain, over and over, “Faith and Good Works” are no comparison to Lust.

Lust moves mountains, while “good intentions” is still trying to find the coffee maker.

Leo Cards

Enjoy that Full Moon. Follow the passions, as dictated by the mind of the cool, rational Aquarius Moon.

Mars is currently in Aries, with Mars being in Aries for an extended run, as noted before. Saturn and Jupiter are Capricorn, and although not technically a conjunction, the essential flavor is there. This is a rerun of 1960.

I keep waiting on somebody to quote back to me, “We’ve never seen this before!”

Historically, we have. In part, the plague in Western Europe, hundreds of years ago. Or, even the Spanish Flu, now cited ad nauseam. It’s part of a predicable pattern of Saturn and Jupiter, which, as seen above and below, shows up in The Leo cards.

Leo Cards

Leo Cards

Is it really connected?

The elements that spin up for this kind of a Full Moon event are the heated fires of passion fed by the cool wind of Aquarius Air Intellect.

Leo Cards

Best way to win? Be passionate and innovative.


Too Long; Didn’t Read

Oddly enough, I had to spell that out in response to a question. This isn’t a condemnation, nor a critical response, but more along the line of passive observation. Again, this is, warnings apply, an observation, not something I’ve done myself.

The last four or five months left a lot of people scrambling, like, on a permanent vacation mode without a lot of income. I lost upwards of three-quarters of my subscribers. Filled in with a number of new and mostly returning phone clients, or formerly in-person, now over the phone. While I’ve done some Zoom stuff, I don’t use Zoom, Skype, or even native Face-Time for readings. I’ve used a headset and phone line for 30 years, no reason for me to change what works for me.

However, what I’ve seen, two, maybe three people have started to thrive in the sinking economic times.

Part of this is the “If I only had some time, I could write that novel I wanted to write.” Been a couple months, I know, Mercury Retrograde bookends, but the rest of the time? Anything?

There are a ton of variations on the theme, but it’s all about a side-hustle, a Do-It-Yourself idea.

Any plan, any idea, and the usual, “If I only had enough time,” and that excuse doesn’t work.

During the last few months, a couple of my patrons have done well, quite well. Maybe not huge financial successes, but a solid footing for a future, and cash income is always a good way to know what I’m selling has value.

One person, the retail front collapsed. In a heart-beat, there was a shift, and change, and the delivery service opened up. That’s a simple pivot that worked. Great example. Then, too, looking at what generates a positive cash flow, then accentuating the positive about that particular area.

“We’re not doing ‘in person’ events right now….” So I’ve done a few ‘online-styled’ events. Not my choice, but it works, after a fashion.

“Do what you love and the money will follow,” while it’s ultimately true, adjusting, and mitigating, then making further adjustments, as need be?

“If I only had enough time, I would….”

Guess what?

Need help with timing, for a front-facing launch?


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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