Saturn and Jupiter

Saturn and Jupiter

I was honored, last January to be a speaker at an august Austin astrological association. Certainly, at one point, I was nervous as a hooker in church, to borrow an outdated simile, although not without striking parallels.

The presentation, or the bones of the presentation itself were covered in triptych, here, here, and here.

  • A partial conclusion:

“The symbolism is frightfully clear,
about cutting away what doesn’t work.”1

Of historical note? Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in 1603 in Sagittarius. Ah, never mind, it’s a Shakespeare reference.2

But this does roll out every 20 years or so. I’ve already listed dates and data.

The notion, I’ve got several “seer” types who always predict doom and gloom, every year. In the last decades, that’s come to pass, maybe twice — this year included. That’s a — at best — 2 out 12, or less than 20% accuracy for hits on tragedies. Not good numbers, although, 2020 is making up for it in a big way.

The work I do is different, since I see this is clearing a way for the future, our collective future, and right now? We’re dropping, sometimes wrenched from our grasp, ties to old, outdated, outmoded methods. Letting go of old ideals.

At the dawn of my career, I suggested the old guard wasn’t going to go down without a well-entrenched fight, and we can see that in the daily news, even now.

Saturn Jupiter

Saturn Jupiter

It started as a stunning vision of the twilight sky, over the West Coast, with Saturn, Jupiter, and the Milky Way all visible — and the two brightest spots in the middle? That’s them, the King and the King’s Daddy. But more important, to me, they are arrayed in the tropical sign of Capricorn.

Saturn and Jupiter

The last time those two were lined up that close?


Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn. We have seen this energy before, and the question begged?

Did we learn anything?

One of the archetypes for Capricorn is the old man, with a scythe, cutting down that which no longer serves, making way for the new year. Think: Capricorn starts on the Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year, and the adopted birthday of the Savior, right?

Always pay homage to the old gods, first.

That works.

For an agrarian society, based on the ebb and flow of the seasons for planting and harvesting? Knowing that the shortest day, the day with the least amount sunlight starts a cycle fresh? Something forward looking, instead.

The Capricorn Sickle of Fate, part of Saturn’s glyph, it’s about trimming away parts of beliefs that are no longer of value.

Saturn and Jupiter

Saturn and Jupiter are about hope — hope for the future tinged with some of that classic Capricorn worry.

  1. Anno Mirablis Part 3
  2. There are passing references in the plays, especially the Shakespeare plays “penned” around 1600-1602, because, there, in the night sky, just when the show was over, Jupiter, bright like a comet and Saturn, bright enough, to a lesser extent, bringing symbolism into harsh reality.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at