Political Observation rerun
Going to look at this again, a political observation rerun —
“The people of Oklahoma will continue to vote dry and drink wet as long as they can stagger to the polls.”
- — Will Rogers
There’s a series of humorous yet oddly applicable aphorisms from Will Roger’s stand-up routines. That one comment, though, I was stuck trying to explain why there was internecine signage on one corner. One side was clearly one party while the other side was clearly a different party. Not a friendly war zone? Sidewalk-to-street is public right-of-way so, that’s a safe, de-militarized-zone?
To me, that quote speaks about obvious hypocrisy, but then, it’s almost humorous. It is funny. It is a pithy way to capture a prevailing sentiment, and doesn’t matter which side of the line one falls on, it should be obvious that many of us are merely adhering to rhetoric rather than examining the real facts.
Political Observation rerun
The fact-checked source of the quote, I was on the phone with a Capricorn buddy at the time, a history major, and he spouted that off. I made him look it up, give the page number, and publication information, just to be sure I had it correctly.
To outsiders, though, it does answer what is happening within the American political system, at this time. There was another example, too, and I covered it when I read the book, Ruffian Dick by Richard Burton1, about how our political system functions, and how not much has changed, apparently. A little less civil these days, but that’s not my battle.
The Will Roger’s quote explains it all, in my mind.
Political Observation rerun
“The people of Oklahoma will continue to vote dry and drink wet as long as they can stagger to the polls.”
- — Will Rogers
Excerpt From
Pink Cake: The Quote Collection
Pink Cake

Pink Cake: The Quote Collection