Where the Forest Meets the Stars

Where the Forest Meets the Stars

Where the Forest Meets the Stars
“If you like this, then try this,” kind of a recommendation. The blurb sounded all-right? More of a question than an answer. But given an interesting proposition, an opener that wasn’t quite “normal,” albeit, I will never be a decent judge of whatever “normal” really should look like, that sales copy sounded intriguing enough to click and download the book.

The hook, the gentle premise, the way I got into the novel? Slowly, surely, and then after a few pages, there’s that hook, and set. Have to see this one through.

Two-thirds through, or so, almost careening off its rails, the story takes a sharp turn. From a naturalistic, almost mystical world that hints, and the prose bears this out, at magical realism, it turns into a thriller. No, romance with thriller-type danger. No, not that, either.

Three-quarter’s of the way through? There’s that thought, “No way they all live ‘happily ever after,’ just don’t see it.”

I got to thinking the first pace set down was magical, bucolic in a way, stylistically taut, but gently moving forward. The power of love, deeply flawed characters, and some fascination with the wonders of the natural world, all wrapped up nicely in a bow.

The tie to Shakespeare is just background noise, but does play a part in the plot.

There’s a deft and gentle touch with some topical material, dancing around the edges of mortality, again, kind of cool. The denouement, though, can’t say, “I didn’t see that coming,” because, after all, fiction has to make sense — unlike real life.

Where the Forest Meets the Stars

Where the First Meets the Stars

Where the Forest Meets the Stars


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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