Tuesday: in Austin
Often in Austin
Often in Austin — It’s a Tuesday, which mean Kramer’s Alternately Astrology readings — looks like I’ll be in Austin’s own Nature’s Treasures for this Tuesday.
New Rock Shop “guidelines”
Masks are required. As Shakespeare said, “Hav’st not mask, thou shalt not pass.”
They (front desk) will make sure that the front door person is aware of your clients appointment and your client will be let in 5 minutes prior to their appointed time with a special pass. Heads Up! Let your clients be mindful there is usually a line to get into the NT, as only 18 customers are allowed in store at a time. Sometimes the wait can be 30 minutes. Therefore, please let them know that they should prepare to be as comfortable as possible, bringing water, umbrella, sunscreen, etc to keep themselves relaxed and hydrated.
Restrooms are not open to the public!
There is a complete list of Natures Treasures Covid-19 protocol on our website, ntrocks.com and in each monthly newsletter. MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO COVER NOSE TO CHIN!!! Your clients should be aware of requirements prior to their arrival just in case they are coming from a mask optional area. Also, masks are required on the entire campus, even in the rock yard.
Often in Austin
Tuesday at Nature’s Treasures.
4103 North IH-35 Austin, Texas 78722
Store phone: 512-472-5015
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
“It’s really him,” at the rock shop in Austin.
Austin’s Own Nature’s Treasures
Use the code, “sparkle faerie” at the check out — for applicable discounts.
Price Selection Won’t Be Beat!
Vincit Qui Primum Gerit
“First to arrive gets the best deal.” (Source.)
Hours: 11 AM to 5 PM. Due to current restrictions and concerns, doors are closed and locked at 5 PM.
