Quick Overview

Quick Overview

Just a quick overview, as away to review the last year, which, all-in-all, is mostly about pandemic protocols.

A dated piece about what I learned from 14 years of blogging, and “Do one thing outside the comfort zone,” I could see that as walking down the street without a face mask. While outside of a comfort zone for some, it hold political, idealogical values that go beyond the hard, science fact.

That’s not outside a comfort zone, unless the comfort zone is “smart” and “stupid” is then way more clearly outside the zone?

What I liked, that post showed 8 out of 9 ways to get the through the pandemic, simple guidelines, I used it as lessons I’ve learned online, journaling, but these can be applied to help almost as a universal cure for most situations. Like locked up. I mean, voluntary shelter-in-place.

Ask parents how that curfew thing works, especially with adolescent males.

Quick Overview

I’ve been asked to wear a mask. Not told that I have to wear a mask. For me, this is a patriotic duty. I only wish that America loved the United States the way I love Texas.

  1. Wear a mask
  2. Wash hands
  3. Social distance

The way it was explained to me? New York City denizens didn’t feel like they are effectively communicating unless they were well-within one’s personal space, and swapping spittle. It’s an “East vs. West” symbol, more than anything else. True or not, I always followed it as a guideline, an example of a simple, cultural difference, probably dictated by geography and the price of real estate.

Six feet is normal space, sometimes more. It’s where I’m from.

For years, I’ve seen the “No shoes, no shirt, no service” reminder, and that’s the merchant’s choice.

“It’s a sanitary thing,” as I oft heard, and my simple retort? “You think I’ll eat with my feet?”

Quick Overview

So far, professionally, there are three major changes.

  1. Big events cancelled/postponed 1.
  2. Rock Shop has a six-foot spacer.
  3. San Antonio has a splash guard.

Like Shakespeare said2, “Hav’st not a masque, thou shalt not pass.” Not bad, not bad at all, along with crowd control. I thinking this is like the ubiquitous “No shoes, no shirt, no service,” which is now amended with “no mask, no tacos.”

I got out my larger copy one of the oldest tarot decks I’ve got, and I added it back to the standard crap I lug around to work. Each place has gone back to a full-size table-top. I’ll take it, as the big deck is faded, worn, and a little beat up. Cool, like that. Many miles, a few smiles.

Quick Overview

“Kramer, you outta write something about the big conjunction,” or whatever.

I did write about it, the last 20 years, anyone not paying attention? (You know who you are.)

  1. Anno Mirabilis 1
  2. Anno Mirabilis 2
  3. Anno Mirabilis 3

With quick summation, about that Twenty-Eight Degree mark, mostly Capricorn, but, as always, Your Mileage May Vary.

Times, they are changing’ I would guess. Where have I heard that before?

Draft Cover
  1. See astrofish.net/travel for details.
  2. Seriously, Shakespeare said it first.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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