

MercRX I was corresponding with a business associate. In the past, there’s been friction, certainly no overt hostility, but that gentle kind of passive “this is strictly business,” no part engendered by a decades-old transaction that was strictly business, and not a business I was particularly interested in.

My perception? No hard feelings, let go, move on. Onward and upward, to some, and as an ode to old Austin, “Onward through the fog!” Not sure the allusion carries; worth a cheap shot.

Offer, counter-offer, both declined. Personal salutations, “Hail,” and “fare thee well,” along with “how’s the wife and kids,” instead of that fleeting concept that the other person should go commit unspeakable acts to themselves, &c.

“That miserly, illegitimate reprobate,” sotto voce.

Mercury in Retrograde

Not just Mercury in Retrograde, but in Gemini, an air sign? Especially, like in Gemini? Like now?

Myth, metaphor, and meaning gets messed up. Big-time.

Here’s the deal, I led with a gentle salutation, and what (I thought) would’ve been a productive — lucrative — offer. Denied. Counter offer denied. I stayed polite and kind because I am the supplicant in this situation, a hired gun, as it were.

“Have astrology charts, will travel,” so to speak.


Specifically, and more in general, and more important, now more than ever? That level of polite discourse, holding the door open for someone, pausing to let someone clearly in a rush cut in line? All of that politeness works wonders. More than any other time, this is necessary.

MercRX The current urge is to bully our way forward, and the current heavens suggest that’s not the best answer.

An added level of unctuous platitudes, even if those sayings, the social grease, even if those aren’t entirely fact-based, sure, an extra level of politeness goes a long way to making this a much more bearable period of relative astrological upheaval.

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel

Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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