Endothermic v. Exothermic

Endothermic v. Exothermic

Winter weather reminder?

  • Endothermic v. Exothermic

Heat records along the west coast, and where is that cold comfort? Looking up at rain in the foothills east of Santa Fe (New Mexico)? Seems hard to remember the frightful cold, we were below freezing for three days or more, and the subsequent abysmal failure of the local power grid.

I’ve used one of those thermostats with an app, so I can adjust the heat and ac from anywhere, with the remote thermostat’s added advantage — purported — to be able to adjust to local demand and save money.

  • (shrug)

In my belated college days, I easily survived 122 degree heat, high desert in AZ. I recall the airport, Phoenix Sky Harbor, would regularly shut down for a few hours as the heated air was too thin for jets to take off or land.

  • I’m used to heat.

There was one summer in London, we watched with amusement, as the English keeled over from heat, all of about 80 degrees.

In the desert southwest, it doesn’t get hot until it gets above 110.

est quod est

So recounting this to Sister, I reminded her it wasn’t that warm, but the cold killed off a portion of my garden. “That what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.”

London, that summer, long time ago, there wasn’t much “AC,” and that was a problem for them. 80 degrees, and I still need two shirts.

Another story was about Austin with three-quarters of an inch of snow, “We’re hip deep in snow and ice,” I reported to a Minnesota friend. Asked about the number of feet of snow? “Most near three-quarters of an inch.” Think any real northerners would be very unimpressed.

Endothermic v. Exothermic

It’s all relative, but being Texas, we’re ill-equipped for frozen precipitation, and my suggestion?

“Do nothing”

Seriously, don’t leave the house.

So to the Pacific Northwest, and other places with unusually high heat? Do your best to stay cool. Do nothing.

From years in the high desert? Swamp coolers, but I guess those don’t work so well in lowland coastal towns. “Swamp coolers” drip water over pads, and blow air throw that, creating cool, moist, delightfully drenching atmospheres in an arid desert setting. Kicking it old school, works well especially in places like El Paso and New Mexico.

Endothermic v. Exothermic

What I didn’t understand was why the Texas Governor was suggesting we curtail our electric usage. Three days below freezing, marked by an icy finger of weather fate, but hot temps? I tend to think of that as “summer.” Most near all summers in Texas are hot.

More’s the shame.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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