Flying Monkeys

Monkey Oil

Wicked Witch Mojo Flying Monkey Oil By Dorothy Morrison

While not technically an essential oil, I found that I do well with some kind of metaphysical protection, at work, at play. What matters to me? The Flying Monkeys Oil has served me best, so far. But sitting at an event, nominally working, I was chatting with another vendor, and she makes a variety of unguents, lotions, and Reiki-infused amulets. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what all she does.

Modern witch on social?

We talked about the efficacy of my vaunted “Flying Monkeys,” the humorous antecedent, and where popular culture and metaphysical collide. Another version of this kind of oil is called “Thieves,” but as I’m not a distributor, nor am I impressed, I can’t legitimately suggest it.

I think the idea is clear, as is the basic combination of elements. So I picked up bottle of the new stuff, locally sourced, like, in a literal sense, locally sourced. I mean, the vendor doesn’t live in my neighborhood, but her best friend or something does. Friend of a friend.

As good reference as any?

Sure. The question is, does the stuff work? Depends on use, and depends on execution versus expectations.

We all know people, who, octopus-like, attach energetic tentacles, and suck us dry, draining whatever life-force we have left, leaving us bereft of any “juice.” As such, what I was shopping for, what I wanted, was a pleasing aromatic blend that purported to prevent those energetic entanglements from getting me, in the first place.

Some days are better than others.

So the trick is, the spray, smells floral, or something, and it’s made, blessed, with inherent protection — metaphysical protection from all that might try and harm us. Whatever it is?

In one of my work bags, I carry a special rosary, “Glow in the dark” plastic, used to have a “made in Italy” sticker but that wore off after 20-plus years. Still, as a token, price was less than $2, back in old East Austin, and as a token? It serves me well as one form of protection.

As does the “Shields up” spray… now on sale:

On Etsy, here.

That Etsy store has a ton of cool stuff, like a New Moon kit.

Just an effort to live in concert with the music of the spheres.

Previously? Flying Monkeys Oil.

Monkey Oil

Wicked Witch Mojo Flying Monkey Oil By Dorothy Morrison

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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