Horoscopes for Pisces 2022

The moon shines bright. In such a night as this,
When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees,
And they did make no noise, in such a night
Troilus methinks mounted the Troyan walls,
And sigh’d his soul toward the Grecian tents,
Where Cressid lay that night.

Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice 5.1.1-6

Horoscopes for Pisces 2022

New Moon March 2, 6° Pisces, Full Moon March 18, 27° Pisces/Virgo. March 3, Mars,/Venus/Pluto are all conjunct at 27° Capricorn. Mars/Venus enter Aquarius March 7, and Mercury enters Pisces March 10.


PiscesVenus and Mars play a close game of tag throughout the months. The pair doesn’t exit Capricorn quietly, and there will be some big disturbance. Which means this month’s Pisces time is more about patching up what has gone astray (as of that New Moon lunation affecting the Mars/Pluto/Venus conjunction). Personally, I own maybe a dozen books of quotations, collected aphorisms, and other such trivial material. The web ruined it, as it became way too easy to access a particular quote and use it, often as not, out of context. Not that using it in context has ever been one of my strong points, as Shakespeare wrote, “To thine own self be true.” (Polonius in Hamlet.) When there is that Pisces adjacent upheval? I blame Mars and Venus, but that uproar? The collected works of Shakespeare, or Marcus Aurelius, or citing a passage from a TV series that you like? Doesn’t much matter, the source, the point is the context. Be willing to dig around a little bit. Be willing to see just what is going on with the characters, around the event, and the meaning of the passage itself.

Little Book of Transits


One of my greatest discoveries, and one that has served me well? Blue dish soap. Started with a brand-name, lemon scented dish soap, and I used it frequently in a trailer park in South Austin to keep the fish smell off my hands. I learned about it from coastal fishing, and trying to find a way to keep the aromatic blend of fresh, dead bait off my hands before handling girlfriends. The fishy smell, or the dead bait fragrance can be quite off-putting to a certain segment, and that’s when I discovered, just part of my fishing gear, original lemon-scented dish soap. From there, I moved to a brand-name blue dish soap, as it is equally effective, less aromatically assaulting, and useful even in times of crisis. Turns out that part of the mild detergent strips oil, or fat, or oily fat, or some combination of that, the blue detergent strips that away. It will get the fish smell off my hands, it will get car grease out from under my nails, and when cooking? Especially frying a lot? That thin film of grease that it feels like I’ve got on my hands? Cuts that, too. I started with expensive, name-brand detergents, but over the years, even the cheapest, just basic “blue dish soap,” that stuff works quite well. Environmentally sensitive, too. It’s a super-simple answer, distilled from years of handling girlfriends, live bait, fresh-dead bait, live fish, and dead shrimp. It’s not going to clean up every mess in your life, but washing your hands, as we’ve seen, goes a long way to solving a lot of problems. It’s really a simple cleaning trick, and won’t work on everything, but for most of the problems, I’m just saying, showing up smelling fishy tends to put them off, and the way to keep that from happening? Cheap, blue dish soap. Look where those wacky planets are, and look what is happening. Keep it clean. There’s some scientific data that suggests it’s also good as an infection killer, but I’ll leave that up to great thinkers. Keep it clean, Aries, keep it clean, and blue dish soap works wonders.

Bare Foot Astrology


Everybody is unique. Everybody is an individual, unlike any other person. We are all totally different, except of course, in the ways we are all similar. The older rub I used, “Every Aquarius is an individual, just like every other Aquarius.” One particular Taurus woman will nod knowingly, and the rest of you look at me like I’ve lost my freaking mind. Which I might, but that’s not part of the question, is it? This is about what sets you apart as your Taurus self, that which makes you different from others. Sure, there are common elements, but in these uncertain times, it’s the minor details that set us apart that require an emphasis. One buddy insists on customizing everything he owns. If it is his fishing gear? He’s replaced parts, added colors, and one trick I admire, he’s added a measuring tape to the one pole, so he knows if the fish is keeper-size or not. His truck? Wheels, pinstripes, big name across the back-glass, nothing is left unmodified. Everybody is unique and everybody has a way of marking their “stuff,” which, in part, is what this is about for Taurus. How do you set yourself apart? What visual clues are there, that you’re a Taurus, and therefore, different from the others? I learned this trick from an old girlfriend, and I’d pass it along: no bumper stickers. Plain car, innocuous, with the single characteristic of no stickers at all. Texas tags (license plates), and nothing else. Want to stand out? Best way possible? Best choice for Taurus is to blend in. Be unremarkable which makes you remarkable.


Got to stop and think about a couple of things in Gemini-land. There’s a certain kind of patience required because no one seems to be moving at the required speed to keep up with Gemini at the moment, and this holds true for the next slice of Pisces time up and coming. Patience is required. Then, too, there’s certain kind of tolerance required, to accept some of the crap that’s going on in the Gemini life. One, rather bitter, friend worked with a single expression, “If ‘Love’ is the answer? What the hell was the question?” He grumbles, bitches, and moans. There’s an inevitable feeling approaching, and this rides a wave up and then down, and the time is nearly evenly split between the two Full Moons. What happens is the patience and tolerance get easier once we get close to the end of Pisces, but until then? Gemini requires two attributes: patience and tolerance. These two? Not the same thing.


I’ve been extremely fortunate in my life because this calling I’ve answered? I get to delve into beliefs, various religions, and just about any crackpot theory about the predicting the future that I can find. So far, in the last three decades, the only reliable form of predictions seem to come from the applied study of the transits of planets, but that’s merely my experience. This is not scientific nor peer-reviewed in the strictest sense of the word. What it allows, though, is a chance to indulge my intellect with just about any kind of crazy theory, test it, see what works, see what doesn’t work, and see what I can pass on to you. I get to test this crap before it gets to Gentle Cancer, the Moon Children. February goes out with a bang. Not quietly, not gently, and not in keeping with the Moon Children’s desire for peace. That being duly noted? February goes out with a crashing noise? That means, once March arrives, there’s a pervasive sense of peace, but this comes from outside sources. One of the hardest lessons, and I’ve oft repeated this, is when some other person offers assistance? Take it. Graciously accept the help. What this Pisces time looks like? You got this, but if someone else wants to help shoulder the the Cancer’s burden? Graciously accept he help. “You want to help? I thought I got this, but sure, grab it here…”

The Leo

One of my most valuable resources is time. I can’t speak for everyone, but as I’ve aged, I discovered that time is more important than anything else. Sure, “Time is money,” to some, but there’s a deeper level. This Pisces time is about how The Majestic Leo budgets time. With a couple of serious Full Moons, and the cacophony of Mars/Venus/Pluto at the beginning of this mess? How you want to organize your royal time is the biggest issue. Not an issue, as that implies there is some kind of stress attached to this. There’s no stress, but a little, a fraction of a moment, just enough brain-pause-space for The Leo to get an idea of what’s going on, and what’s the best way to spend that time. One suggestion? Time spent fishing doesn’t count as regular time. There’s a snappy quote about that, something about how time spent fishing doesn’t count against one in the giant cosmic ledger, but I’m not sure of that concept. Still, there’s a certain amount of “productive” non-productive that The Leo needs. In the old explanations, this used to be called, “I’m taking a mental health day,” but that really, in the current setting, that doesn’t work so well. Still, a giant Leo-like Pisces Pause to consider how you spend your time? That inaction is well-rewarded, rather than a headlong rush with no consideration. “We don’t have enough time!” Yes, actually you do have enough time, if you stop and pause.


The Celtic Cross is a rather common elements throughout my life. My own, wee mum wore one for years, until it was burgled, and even then, I managed to replace it some years later, more as a nod to her faith and my remembrance than as any other kind of gift. some years back, traveling in the UK, I noticed that the true symbolism for the “Celtic Cross” wasn’t originally a strictly Christian image. It was, my understanding, not fact-checked, but it was an ornate, equal-arm cross, set atop a plinth. Variations on themes, the typical, and this is much older than Christianity, image is akin to a starburst, or a sun, with the quarter edging of the universe into seasons. Or however that kind of material works. It’s pretty bizarre, realizing that the image I carried around in my head, from childhood, might really be something else, merely an equal-arm cross set atop a longer arm, to hold it up. There are too many sources, both agreeing with my statement, and contesting my suggestion, and none of this is particularly new, only, it was new to me. Looking at the Virgo elements during this Pisces time? I’d suggest a willingness to accede to the possibilities posited by others is the best route. I didn’t say, I know how that Virgo brain works, I didn’t suggest blindly agreeing to my every statement, but there is a point, a place between what you see, what you feel, and what supporting evidence upholds. That’s the tricky point we’re looking for, in Virgo. It’s a balance point between what you want to believe, and what you know is true.


Not sure if this is tragedy or comedy? Sort of all depends on how we play it. As the Libra-compliant observer, here, there’s not the usual definition of “good” or “bad” for this month’s timorous times. It’s unstable, unsubstantiated, allegations with no visible means of support, and perhaps, no way to prove whatever needs to be proved. While I’m, personally, a huge fan of the rhetorical arts, I also understand when it is baseless claims built out of supposition and inference, with only the thinnest shards of support, and even at that? We not really too sure. “Looks like it might be true, but there is no evidence.” In some situations, the baseless claims, the unsupported suppositions, and the made-up facts, those are no problem at all. In rhetorical terms, it’s about winning an argument, and if there are no facts, or the facts don’t fit the situation? Then change the facts. Old family recipe, always worked for my immediate blood lines. But that might not work, and the problem, with the long-arm of memory? Then, too, with instant recordings available? Fact-checking is quicker and easier, more important, too. So as this Pisces month goes rolling along, understand the difference between artfully arguing a point, or a discussion about that point, and what is tangible proof, substantiated facts with clear lines of provenances and evidentiary lines. Truth be told, though? I’m not sure if this is tragedy or comedy, but I have my suspicions.


When Mercury moves into Pisces on March 10? That’s when the sigh of relief is allowed in Scorpio. But until then? I’d be on guard. On guard against the most criminal and heinous of all Scorpio offenses, thy own mouth. Scorpio looks at me, “You’re stupid Kramer, but you’re not as stupid as my own boss.” While Scorpio was talking, I was making gesture, drawing a finger, like a knife’s blade, across my neck, trying valiantly, but uselessly, to get Scorpio to shut up. Turn around. Who’s there? Your boss. I tried. I warned you. Before attacking me for not being clear, I was clear. Not until tangible Mercury motion should you say anything, and until then? The best course of action is silence. I know, most Scorpio types are good with silence, it’s just, with what’s going on, especially astrologically? Silence is golden, and you have this need to communicate about every detail, in greater detail, than required. Sometimes, the only enemy is yourself. I would blame Mercury, but I’m an expert so that’s easy enough for me to do.


SagittariusI was cleaning up some of my “garden,” such as it is. I tend to think of it as a Darwinian experiment, since I’m not much of a green thumb person, despite what others believe. I was going to rip out a pot that held flowers, blooming flowers, most of last summer. I happened across the little plastic tag, came in the flower’s pot, suggested limited sunlight, watering requirements, and so forth. At the bottom? “Bee alert: these flowers attract bees.” All the plants looked dead to me, so I didn’t think there was much to worry about, not in the middle of the winter, I mean, it was a warm February day, but still, no flowers. However, I did recall, those flowers, they weren’t big, but they did bloom regularly, for more than a year or two. I err on the side caution when dealing with a plant that might attract a stinging insect. While the bees are not common, various wasps, and wasp-like insects are common, and they all seem to like the flowers, too. Now, this Pisces time, we’re in at the moment? Not a great time for our Sagittarius selves. There are little cautions we should be aware of, like the simple gardening plastic tag suggested? “Caution: these flowers attract bees.” There’s another notion, and I’ll tie to Mars and Venus rather than the Sun in Pisces, and that’s about throwing out something that might start blooming again, in another six weeks, or so. I did trim the pants back, but I guess we’ll all wait and see if the flowers plants bloom again. Very well could, survived this far. Still, remember the warning for our Sagittarius selves, as it applies in a metaphorical sense, even now, “These flowers attract bees and other stinging insects.”


The usual explanation, what was told to me? “As above, so below.” That’s the main route this material takes, and that’s an expression from old-school astrology circles. But in grander sense, the minutiae of day-to-day reflects the ongoing material in grander scale. I get an urge to vehemently address some careless person in front of me, doing something that is obviously stupid? On a larger scale, that means there is someone behind me who thinks I’m being a bigger fool for correcting the person in front of me. “Goes around, comes around.” So there are two axioms we’re working with now. The little stuff, in front of gracious Capricorn, even now? That is the tiniest microcosm, of what is happening, on a much larger scale, elsewhere. If you’re having a rough day? Other people around you are having a rougher day. How we choose to react, or, in a moment’s reprieve, how we choose to act, not react, that’s the secret. Starting out with a comment, “That’s just stupid…” goes nowhere good in a big hurry. A better way? “Here, let me help you with that.” What goes around comes around. Or, what I was thinking about, when I started looking at this Pisces time on the grand scale? “As above, so below.” Play the Virgo card, the devil really is in the details, and this time? It’s not really important for Capricorn.


There are some days, some weeks, and frankly, looking at the Mars/Venus energies? There are certain tasks that seem so simple, and yet? The results are outstanding. Years, years and years ago, I bought a can of deeply discounted paint. Probably destined for landfill, a color match that didn’t quite match the color. Bet it was returned, then discounted, then discounted again, and the price was all of, maybe, two whole dollars. Might’ve been less. Sort of a maroon, to me? National Parks standard issue. I recall park signs and park benches, all painted a similar shade. Maybe it was state parks, but I was thinking, digging deep, national parks and similar locations. So I had this can of cheap paint. I have a sagging, dilapidated picnic table in the back yard, came with the rent house. Coming in from an afternoon of fishing, I was sweaty, and being that time of the year for spring cleaning, I looked and decided that I would slap another coat of paint on the old picnic table. Two-dollar paint. A very cheap, disposable paint brush leftover from other projects, so, total cost? Less than $3. Good so far? A single coat of cheap, off-color, latex “semi-gloss enamel” worked wonders. The hungry wood soaked up the nutrients in the paint, and coming up? Spring time and all? I will get to sit out with the bugs, the critters, and enjoy the cool, spring weather, with an old piece of furniture recently resurrected. The source of the second life? A super-cheap can of paint. Cost me less than $3, and less than half an hour to slap the paint on everything.

It’s the simplest of solutions that works best.

For Aquarius? It’s the simplest of solutions that work best. Cost is no barrier, not at this end. Ways to make this work? Sometimes the cost isn’t the factor, and what makes it better? Wasn’t a huge investment in time, either.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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