“Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction! What says th’ almanac to that?”
- Prince Hal in Shakespeare’s
Henry 4, part 2, (II.iv) line 110-1
Horoscopes for 3.21.2022
The Sun rolls into the Tropical Zodiac Sign of Aries around 10:34 AM (local) on March 20, 2022. Spring Equinox, for me. At the other end of the timeframe, Mercury enters Pisces around 2:45 AM March 27, 2022.
This birthday — Aries birthday week, Aries birthday month, Aries birthday season? This birthday is perfect time to stop and sees where you are. A moment of reflection can save hours, days, weeks, even years of pain. I’m all about saving you some pain. It’s a personal mission in life, make life easier for all Aries — but to make that happen? With your leading planet (Mars) snuggled up with Venus, all in Aquarius? There’s a moment of pause and reflection. There’s a time when we all stop and take a breather. Birthdays, parties, celebrations, and the moon growing smaller and smaller by the day? Night, even? That thin crescent of a disappearing moon is all about pause and reflect. Stop and think about it. With the added touch of this lingering Aquarius (Mars) influence? Maybe jot down some digital shorthand notes to yourself. Digital. Not analog. Reflect on where you’ve been and what destinations you want to head towards. Where you’re at, Aries, and reflect on where you want to be.
Did I ever explain how Tarot Cards work? They are merely images, most of them drawn from the last two centuries, now. Merely images on playing cards, used to be just pieces of cardboard. The name derives from the Medieval Italian court card game of Tarrochi with zero evidence the cards existed much before then. There’s an intuitive, synchronistic way that the images interact with me, and for now, with Taurus, too. Pull a single card. Look at the image.
Maybe look it up online. Maybe ask me in person. All depends on the setting. Or a Rune. Regular playing cards, descended from that Italian card game, that works, too. All depends. But tapping an intuitive source, something that jiggles the Taurus mind, and that’s all it takes. Jiggle that Taurus intuition.
Ever been bamboozled? Or hoodwinked? Sold a bill of goods? I’m not suggesting that it is about to happen, but watch for it. I’ve got a good friend, and I can tell when he’s winding up to pitch a new deal that is going to make everything in my life better. Whiter teeth. Fresher breath. Fights cavities, too! Now, with that special springtime aroma! It is springtime, and number of my friends are groaning under the special spring pollen as it gets rolling out. Me, I’m thinking about post-spawn bass fishing, but that really only applies in the south. After last winter? Might be another few weeks. Doesn’t much matter, as all of this about a friend of yours winding up or winding down, but in one capacity or another, getting ready to deliver that special, “You can’t say ‘no’ deal.” You can always just take a pass. My one friend? I just point out that I haven’t been paid yet, so I can’t buy into his new deal. I would help if I could, but I’m a little low on available funds.
I was trying to explain to a buddy, this is what I call, “Hair on fire” stars. No, not for everyone, but as a gentle Moon Child, it’s going to seem like everyone is leaning on you for advice while, according to them, their “hair is on fire.” I have a simple response, “If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 9-1-1.” Otherwise, I’m taking appointments for some time, next month, maybe the month after. Simple as that. That’s my facile, insouciant method for dealing with “hair on fire” scenarios. However, as a pointed observation here, I’m not Cancer, I’m so not a gentle Moon Child, and because of that? I won’t be getting near as many “hair on fire” situations. Looks like you will. Quick answer? “If this is an actual emergency, please hang up and dial 9-1-1.” If it’s not an actual emergency, wherein the notion of “hair on fire” is strictly a metaphor? How much do you have to listen to? That’s a question that only the individual Cancer can answer, but seriously, how much is too much?
The Leo
The only “writing prompts” I use are ones of my own devising. For my kind of work, that’s the only kind of “prompt” I need. However, as the gentle and majestic Leo, there’s a kind of gentle urging I’ve been making, and that slips from a gentle suggestion to — not naming names, not me, but someone — move it. Move along. Let it go, let to grow, move along. To me, the gentle push was along the lines of let go, and move along, but my gentle suggestions over the last few weeks are weighed against a more insistent urging. Can’t say I didn’t try to get you to let go, or move along, forgive and forget. OK, on that last one? I suggest you forgive. Maybe not forget. Never forget that the sorry SOB tried to put one over on you, first. But for now? Move along. Holding onto that anger, now? That’s like giving a drowning person a glass of water. Either you try to follow the previous prompts or this will slap you in the face. No one wants that.
There are three fast-food burger chains that come to mind. What-a-Burger, formerly headquartered in Corpus Christi, then San Antonio, Blakes Lot-a-burger, Albuquerque (I think), and the left coast fave, In-and-Out. Of the three, I tend to favor the first two. In part, this is regional, and in part, there’s a convenience, and in part, look, at 5:00 AM when I’m meeting a guy at a boat slip at 5:30 for fishing? The 24-hour What-a-burger is a stalwart standby. Dependable, and dependably good. I don’t enjoy fast food on any occasions, but every once in a while, the traffic, and whatever, southbound from Austin? I need a break. Stopping at the familiar orange and white A-frame brings relief. Not always the best, and I can hardly sustain any kind of diet so heavy in products of dubious health benefits, but every once in a while? Likewise, I can’t pass through New Mexico without one stop for a Blake’s. All three of these are typical “fast food franchises.” As such, this doesn’t represent the higher order of food, but as a solace and source of cheap comfort, or just early morning fuel? Highly effective choices. Virgo, there are always choices. When it’s in season? Dr. Pepper Milkshake.
Some days, it’s difficult to get all the pieces in all the right places. Other days, it all seems to fall into place. Take a step back, and then move forward. Looks like two-step shuffle, and to some, it might be, but the back and forth? Allows the pieces to fall into their respective places and sometimes, this is without any assistance from Libra. Sometimes, just giving it a pause, or half a moment’s extra space allows the parts that didn’t fit, allows them to get comfortable and then, find their respective places. Then it all fits. Sometimes, the best effort, the best Libra effort is to reward us with an extra pause so we can figure out what we can do to help gentle Libra. That extra pause, just a half a step backwards, a little shuffle? Just a little space allows the parts to fall into place — like they should.
I’ve long preached that “Change, for the sake of change, avails us naught.” Change just to change? Other signs, non–Scorpio people, they can change all they want for whatever reason, and, with an understanding of the planets, there are times when rearranging the furniture does benefit a body. This isn’t one of those times. The biggest obstacle facing Scorpio is an innate sense of needing change, and something’s, this is “Change for the sake of change.”
Go back to what I startedO with the essential premise, that “Change for the sake change avails us naught.” There’s that urge, and with the Moon where she is? Against the declining but ever-present want to change something? Is answering that desire for external change really useful? New hair color. New style. New fishing pole, wait, I understand that last one, if I just had the right new pole, when I fish next, I’ll be more successful. Has that ever worked? Well, actually, it has, but will it work right now? Spring fishing is already kicking into gear in some places. Ask yourself, though, before doing anything — “Change for sake of change…”
I read that the best shelf life of a T-shirt, a promotional, think, like a concert Tee? The average, the median lifespan of promotional material is 7 years. Seven years. I have a number of concert T’s, but those are from specific artists and I’ve held on for a reason, fans, flames, memories. With the recent, cyclical behavior of the planets, seeing this again and again, as a history repeats itself, or tries to? It’s up to us to recognize a persistent pattern in our lives, and do something to shift the direction. I’m not suggesting a large directional shift, like turning around and going backwards? No, that’s not it. But the purported shelf life of a promotional item, how that can carry a message for up to seven years? According to statistics? Use that as a touch point about what direction is new, better, or what to get rid of. What to hold, and what to fold. What to toss? I picked up one of those free, name-on-the-side pens a colleague had given me. Not more than one or two seasons old, the phone number no longer works. Toss?
It’s gone from a single movie to being a movie trope, scene where the same scene is played out, over and over, with different endings for the whole show. I’ve seen several variations on the theme, but it usually starts with a waking up scene, and the main character discovering that he or she has seen this before. Same events, repeated over and over, and that’s what this is about, same events that Capricorn has seen before, played out differently, but the same, over and over. There is a cosmic “repeat” button, and it will continue until some of this weird yet beneficial non–Capricorn energy is disbursed. Find the correct outlet and the repeat stops. The correct outlet? Look at the source of the repeat button action: Venus and Saturn.
Saturn and Venus suggest that there’s an element of fate, and adding Mars into the mix? Haven’t seen this in a couple years. I rather enjoy it, but I’m not Aquarius, and while I admire Aquarius? I’m not one of you. However, that means I can remain slightly more objective about this, and in the light of the stars, and the light of that play, and its quote? All about what it takes to be a good one, or great one, and what seems fated by the heavens. There’s a sense that this is a time when the message is, indeed, fated. The fates decree. What? The fates are decreeing that Aquarius tend to this matters right in front of you. Not over yonder, and not at some undetermined time in the future, but this next ten days or so. Use if you got it. That simple, this is going to feel like it unravels more than it really does. However, that sense of unraveling? It can be used. Push forward, as the fates decree.
“This is all going to make sense when you’re older.” How many times did you hear that, as a child? How many times, this is a first turn out, how many times have you told that to a child? Now, I can’t speak for anyone else, and I’m certainly not Pisces, but again, I tend to be Pisces-compliant, and that expression, “This will all make sense when you’re older?” I’m older now. It doesn’t make anymore sense now then it did, when I first heard that expression. Because I have no parent here to explain themselves, I can’t call this one in, but yeah, as a way to look at the future of Pisces, now that we’re older, does that expression work? Simple answer? No. Doesn’t make any more sense now than it did, then. Thus noted? No using hackneyed, bumper-sticker platitudes to deal with exigent circumstances. Face the problem, head on, and really, does any of this make any more sense, now that we’re older? Personally, I’m still waiting on wisdom that comes with age. I feel short-changed.
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