“Sword, hold thy temper; heart, be wrathful still:
Priests pray for enemies, but princes kill.”
- Richard in Shakespeare’s Henry VI.2 5.2.72-3
Horoscopes for 3.7.2022
Mercury enters the tropical zodiac sign of Pisces on March 9, around 8:00 PM. Please support public libraries.
“Death rides a pale flamingo.” Going to take a lot to unpack what all is here. Just past the Sun/Jupiter conjunction, and approaching the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, and with both the Sun and soon, Mercury, all in Pisces? My first point of reference is literary, as “Death Rides a Pale Cow” is an overt allusion to the canon of work from a pop-punk band called The Dead Milkmen. Never quite a mega-hit, but more than just a regional band, more than cult status, less than star status. The greatest hits album was called Death Rides a Pale Cow, I think. The literary allusion is about “Death rides a pale horse,” (cf. Revelations 6:8). Much to unpack, proto-pop-punk, biblical revelations, and last year’s memes, as I stole an idea, mounting a halloween skeleton on a plastic pink flamingo. The pink flamingo is emblematic of perfected Modern Mid-Century Americana Kitsch. Biblical allusions speak for themselves, and musical tastes? Yeah, I’m a little on the strange side. Unpacking all those Pisces planets is going to take threading a way through all of that mess.
- Still, “Death rides a pale flamingo.”
Pisces: Your mileage may vary.
One particular Aries, he keeps suggesting, “This is about money, isn’t it?” No, not really, but it is about resources, and how your Aries self figures to share, and utilize, those available assets. It’s about what’s at hand, not about more coming in. I mean, there will be more coming in, but to make that happen?
It’s about how you manage what you’ve got at this time. This is a skill set I don’t have, but I’ve seen in others. It’s also why I’m a solo show. I don’t work well with others. Typically, neither does an Aries, but in this next few days, it’s about managing the available materials, the assets at hand, the resources you’ve currently got to make this work. Doing so? Means there will be more in the future. “So this is about money, isn’t it?” No, it’s about resources at hand. Define the however you want to.
This is a preview week. Next few days, it’s just a hint at what might come. Or might not, sort of depends, and not that I’m one who is going to vacillate, but never can tell. However, the staunch, stable Taurus view might be subject change. This is a preview, and if nothing changes, then nothing changes, but if you’re willing to try something different, then this is a time to give that a try. Try doing it differently. Same task, different way of approaching it? If nothing changes about your typical Taurus approach to the challenges? Then nothing changes, and this week is nothing more than a preview. Try differently?
What happens is that we make this twice as difficult as needs to be. The Pisces planets make for trouble, and the Aquarius placements make nice. What happens, is that the relative motions are both good and bad, and the bad might appear good while the good appears bad. See how this can be problematic? Simple solution that works for Gemini (but no other signs)? Double down. Double the effort, and double the questions, like, “It could be this way, or that way, or we might do this, instead, how does that look?” Times four? What it looked like when I printed it out. Might want to skip printing it out, but think about that doubling the effort in order to arrive at the most correct answer, for Gemini, at least for now. Double the effort. Fortunately, for Gemini, this won’t be too hard.
I got some “Divine Inspiration,” a situation based on a meditative thought, and I wondered if the universe was pushing me in a certain direction. As it turned out, that was more my own voice, wishing something would happen and the “divine inspiration” was more like a self-will wish. What I wanted, not what was fated. Not what was inspired by the almighty, but just another voice in my head, masquerading, as “divine inspiration.” Might’ve been misrepresenting the facts to myself, too. Just ticking off some of the possible interpretations. Might be a clue as the sources, as well. Now, this meant I had a detour that resulted in me learning more about some aspects of business that I might not have chosen, but it was an interesting way to go. Good education, less than wonderful results for business. It’s about listening to that “Divine Inspiration,” and then let’s filter that through some reality before jumping off into the deep end — while following that internal advice.
The Leo
“I’ve discovered that I ignore your advice, Kramer, at my own peril.” It was a neighbor merely commenting on how I suggested the “girlfriend” was less than a real girlfriend, and he could do better, maybe not better, but he could stand more attention. (He could do better — and eventually — did.) Ignore my advice, if it is about the stars, astrology, ignore that at your own peril. Heard it straight from a majestic Leo. Through all the trials and tribulations, the little stuff coming unglued at this moment? It’s all little stuff. The little stuff requires less attention than your good Leo self has been allowing it. In other words? Pay less attention to the minor problems, or the big problems that are really relatively minor? Less bandwidth. Less attention. Leo: ignore my advice at your own peril.
It’s been more than a dozen years since I’ve enjoyed a cigar. My current health insurance had a zero-tobacco rider on it, and I respect that. Saved me a ton of money. By now, it might not matter, but I found that it helps. I miss cigars. I miss the way a stinky, cheap cigar would clear my mind by clearing the room with foul tobacco smoke. I miss the then-illegal but commonly available Cuban cigars, and the special flavor they had. But I also saved money. A lot of money, saved. Plus, I have to play by the rules. One of my fishing buddies, back of the boat, “C’mon, who’s going to know, out here?” I will. Therein is the problem, and the conundrum for Virgo with this week’s stuff floating freely. Who would know? Might be a near-perfect crime, but who would know? You’d know. Me? I just pass on the cigars although I’ll admit I do miss them. “But no one would know!” Yeah, I’d know, and I made a promise. We have to uphold what our internal true north is, our own, truth, Virgo.
This week is about a kid, in a store or someplace public, having a temper tantrum. Off to one side? There’s a tired, much put out, mother figure, silently rolling her eyes while the kid wails and makes racket. It’s a sad situation, but it’s not Libra that is face-to-face with a fixed situation. It’s some other people, usually non–Libra. The un-Libra are going to have a meltdown, and that is going to happen Libra-adjacent, which is a problem. Do not engage. Do not participate. Casually, this where a smart-phone is handy, this when you stand off to one side, and check something on your phone. Maybe my reminder to not get involved? Sure, that works. We’ve all seen the embarrassing child’s meltdown, but we also have a certain amount of empathy for the mom, off to the side, watching. There are times to get involved. There are times to not get involved. Get the image? This is a good time to not get involved, as this is none of your Libra business.
There’s a kind of sentiment I have to guard against, and for Scorpio? Same kind of guarded action. Or guarded feeling? There’s a point where the relative motions of Mars and Venus will create an urge to push your Scorpio self forward, “Put it out there,” and right now? Less than good idea. Not bad idea, per se, but no, maybe not the best foot forward for nominally guarded Scorpio. Might be a good idea. Might not be a good idea. Might be an idea that needs a little more time, like, run it by some friends before you launch it. A little more guarded helps.
While my daily grab bag of material that I carry with me changes, there are a few items that have remained constant. Something to write with. Something to write on. Something to read. Cables and plugs to charge the i-devices. Commercial air travel means no pocketknives, and I had one that was supposedly TSA-compliant, only, it wasn’t. I tossed it. It was confiscated, and I didn’t argue. Not much good to me if it wasn’t under the suggested guidelines. We can lament the loss of personal liberty, or we can move forward. As a well-seasoned Sagittarius, I knew, before I hopped on that flight, that the little pocket device might not clear security, despite the advertising as a safe-for-travel, un-bladed pocket-knife (like) item. Ask yourself, dear Sagittarius, is this a fight we want to pursue at this time? Is this our battle? It was an idle acquisition during the pandemic, and I figured it might not pass the muster in far-flung locations — inside Texas, no big deal, but outside? Might raise an eyebrow or concern. Be willing to let it go, Sagittarius — it’s not our fight.
I listen while a buddy talked about inventory and Point-of-Sale systems. A couple ago, I simplified my arrangements because I didn’t want to over-complicate my set-up. It’s very simple, one product for sale, and I left inventory and inventory control to publishers. I was fascinated by the dynamics of the way the inventory-control hooks directly to the sales system. Best example is the behemoth Amazon, with their precise controls. At any given moment, the exact number of units for sale is available, as well as the relative location and disposition of the items. I was thinking, because there’s sporting goods store nearby, and I wondered if they had certain kind of fishing gear for a coastal trip coming soon. “Supply is limited, check with store.” In other words? They weren’t sure, and that meant a hike to the store to see if that item was on the shelf. With all the shifting? I hope for the precision of amazon’s system, but I’ll take — and Capricorn? You’ll take it, too, the somewhat less than precise but locally available version. “Looks like we have some of the shelf, but that was the morning, so swing by and check…”
The little lift for the early degrees of Aquarius, what with Mars and Venus making an entrance? It’s about what directions we want, what directions we’re going to take, and what routes we are going to pick to get there from here. Doing this work as long I have, I’ve seen the charts with natal placements like this. Tends to be attractive and off-center. “Off-center” can have a wide, broad series of definitions, and that’s what’s important, that idea that there might be more than one definition for what we’re seeing in Aquarius. As much as anything, this is about symbolic representations. I’m old enough to understand how to use a map. That’s a real map, not a series of lines or satellite-inspired imagery on a phone’s screen. Understanding one’s location is a part of the message from Mars and Venus. Get a foot on the ground, get oriented, then start figuring the direction that seems the most expedient. It’s about picking how we’re going to get from where we’re at to where we want to be.