“And let her read it in thy looks at board:
Shame hath a bastard fame, well managed;
Ill deeds is doubled with an evil word.
Luciano in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors 3.2.18-9
Horoscopes for 8-7-2022
Full Moon is August 11 at 8 PM, more or less aligned with Saturn. Venus moves into Leo August 11.
The Leo
Self-doubt is overrated. Just about every Majestic Leo that I know has a smidgen of Virgo in their chart (royal “we,” agreement works.) That tiny bit of mutable earth is getting an extra dose of doubt.
More than one non-Leo has suggested there’s an aura of arrogance that surrounds the Mighty Leo, just like, not to get too specific, but just like a Lion’s mane. So in the next week or so? It’s quite all right to indulge in niggling little fears, and wonder if you’re doing this correctly. But with birthdays, Full Moon, and all? That little voice in the back of your head that suggests you’re not quite perfect? Consider ways to stifle it, if only for the time being.
It’s a simple reminder, just for right now. Happy birthday.
I “mine” my own experiences to capture the essence of what I see with particular transits, me being the only person I can factually write about. Mix in my genealogy, family histories, and upbringing? That water gets mighty muddy, in a hurry.
These are the elements that shape us. These are the sum totals of our experiences. What this next couple of days does to gentle Virgo? Test. Test and then test again. The short version of this, betwixt Mercury, Mars, and Venus? Try it out. Test it. See if it fits. If it does fit, then proceed to the next iteration, and if it doesn’t fit? Stop, adjust, test, then see if that fits. To some, this is a simplified version of the scientific method. To others, this is merely empirical evidence, but for Virgo? Test what is said, adjust the goals, destinations, and devices as need be, then test it again.
What we’re dealing with in Libra? Myth. It’s that pervasive, omnipresent idea that events have to break a certain way in order for this to work correctly. With the stars where they are, more notably, Mars in Taurus, and Mercury in Virgo? That Leo/Aquarius Full Moon rocks the foundation of the Libra myths, and there’s one that you believe in that might not be true. The stories we tell ourselves, individually, as literature and myths, or collectively, as politics and religion? There’s an inherent flaw in one Libra myth, and this would be a good time to recognize reality for what it is. I still think this works correctly, it just doesn’t follow the lines that the good Libra thinks it should follow. Longer term? Think about reframing that myth and having it fit the current events a little better.
Previously, I’ve addressed the notion of a zen-like garden, soft sand, artfully arranged boulders, that sort of experience. While I always thought one of the portable zen gardens would be a good idea, I had a cat, and she would think it was a litter box. Then, too, the white sand wouldn’t stand up against the ochre, red dirt of my Texas, not for long. However, I’ve made an effort to make my own version of a backyard zen garden. To start, it’s “river rock,” with crushed limestone as a foundation. Doubt I’ll ever rake it, not like the imagery of the zen garden with monks and wooden rakes, smoothing the white sands, etching designs therein. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. But with my version? I can get out an electric leaf blower and rearrange the essence of the design in a simple sweep. Doing so made me think about Scorpio, and the weeks ahead. It’s not a perfect solution, a bit noisy, even with an eclectic one, but the leaf blower cleaning? It is pretty effective, even if it’s not totally typical Scorpio style.
Bedside, I keep a single penlight. Think it’s got two double-A batteries, and an LED bulb. Metal case, or metallic feeling case. Might have a pocket clip, I don’t recall, it’s in the other room now. Power failure, severe storm conditions, the grid fails (again)? It’s the easiest flashlight for me to grab. There are several, but I like that one best. Handy, durable, cheap, and replaceable. The narrow pinpoint of light is enough to get a single task accomplished, and it allows me to focus on just the job I need to get done, whatever that might be. I can hold it in my mouth if I want to use both hands. That searing pinprick of white light, the narrow penlight beam? That’s what this is like, for Sagittarius. If the task, our Sagittarius job requires both hands? We can easily grip that flashlight in our teeth. My dentist would never recommend that, but it’s just for a moment. That stars and the full moon align in such a way, we have a flashlight, or penlight, real or imagined, and we need to focus on just what we direct that beam of light at. It’s not a general fix-all, just pinpoint that one task, and finish it.
Heard something the other day, really an excellent riposte. “I’m not leaving until you say something nice.” It was amongst siblings, no blood kin to me, but I might try that as a way to respond to my own kin. “I’m not leaving until you say something nice.” Not sure how they would respond. But it’s an idea. Holidays and their ensuing madness are still months away. Still, as a close to any Capricorn-based conversation in the weeks ahead? Think about that line, “I’m not leaving until you say something nice.” Too bad this can quickly devolve into a typically Southern situation, “Nice shoes.” That’s not where eI was headed with this, nor was that my wish. However, for Capricorn? Think about closing each and every interaction with something nice, and that can be as simple as “Ya’ll have a nice day now, you hear?”
I’m not leaving until you say something nice.
Watching a TV series the other evening? There was a plot device that turned on the bugaboo “PTSD.” In the former millennia, it was called “Shell-shocked.” The problem as I watched the story unfold? “PTSD” is used as a term to generically cover a number of different disorders. Aquarius: one size does not fit all. I’m enthralled to see that mental health is getting some more (much-needed) attention, but the terms and words we use? Needs to be adjusted. Just throwing a blanket term over a problem? That doesn’t offer real solutions. What triggered me? The blatant misdiagnosis, on TV, just suggesting that “This is a problem.” I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I do understand that the way we’re currently lumping a whole host of issues under single banner doesn’t work. With this full moon, and the precision that Mercury currently demands? Stay away from a broad-spectrum analysis and generic terminology for specific problems. Makes it much easier to figure out what’s really underneath, staying as far away as possible from the blanket terms.
Aquarius: one size does not fit all.
Listen to the experts. It’s that simple. “Listen to the experts.” Look: if you want to talk about the planets and their inherent influences? That’s my place. I can talk about that. After the years I’ve put in? I know thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two. Might not be great, but I have some answers. That’s my area of expertise. If you want to talk about fishing, I’ve got a few friends who know more than I do, but one is best on lakes, and another is best inshore. All sort of depends. If you’re going to the coast? Ask the local fishing guides. Central Texas lakes? Ask the bass guys. All depends, but the idea is simple, ask the expert. Consult with someone who is specializes in whatever the pressing Pisces conundrum is. Changes, flips around, and is different for each Pisces, but ask the expert. It’s really a simple exhortation, seek outside council, and make sure that the consultant is knowledgeable in that area of Pisces concern.
One of my greatest failings as a writer? I have a tendency to not go back and check what I typed, just hit the “launch” button. Typos, typographical mistakes, egregious auto-correct, and the old, Microsoft English, all of that comes to mind. Given that Mr. Mercury is in Virgo? The simple Aries ideal? Stop long enough to reread what you just typed before you hit “send.” There’s a very specific order that goes in, One: reread the missive, check for mistakes or bad typing, and then Two: hit send. It’s a one-two for Aries, look at it before you hit send, publish, or launch. Simple, look it over, read it aloud, that my favorite, as that sounds better, but does look a little odd, if I’m sitting someplace in public. However, just stick an earbud in? Looks like we’re talking on the phone. Hint: read it aloud before you send it. Simple. Easy. Makes for s better week, and remember, it’s just that Virgo and Mercury thing, it’s not you, Aries. Read it aloud.
One of my clients makes a special “Shields Up” spray. Imbued with numerous metaphysical and magical properties, the little elixir used as a topical spray, supposedly keeps away negative thoughts, and evil intentions. Does the stuff work? I can’t answer without a sway of emotion — there’s a personal situation that was “eating my shorts” for lack of better terminology — and that spray prevented me from thinking about that situation. Does the mix of odd herbs and spices, does that really repeal negative thoughts? I don’t know. Does it prevent me from having a spell cast over my domain and its assigns? I don’t know. Has it proven effective? Yes. My empirical research shows this stuff works. Simple as that. Note: this is not a double blind study, nor is this even peer-reviewed. Just my impressions, and as such, the results might vary. But what I’ve found, just a little spritz of the stuff, in the morning? And setting the ideas place that I won’t think about that one problem? It seems to work really well. Seems to work? Works for me. Real, or metaphysical protection for Taurus? Yes. It’s Mars-infused idea.
Ever done any Gemini crusading? Mount a stalwart stallion, charge forth into the unknown, waving a sword over your Gemini helmet, ready to smite thy enemies? I’m steering away from the historical crusades as there’s more than one interpretation of the current evidence, so, no, not that. But looking forward — there’s that insistence in the back of the brain, a less-than tiny voice suggesting that you charge forth, thusly armed and mounted on thy valiant steed. “Charge!” It’s also just pressure, pressure from a Full Moon, and then there’s the mounting pressure from Mercury in Virgo — that’s the less-than quiet voice that keeps insisting that you charge! Not just move forward, or make progress in a forward direction, but those twin elements, Moon and Mercury? They act like the only answer is to run forward, headlong into the fray. Mount up on a horse, and go forward. Yeah, hot tip for Gemini? Check the saddle on that horse, that war-fitted steed, make sure you’re really ready for it. Might not be the time to unsheath the sword, either. Just a casual, off-hand warning that the voice in your head might not be acting in your own, best interests.
Gratefully lifted from a meme? However, I’ll admit I’ve done some research. Bears consideration. Raw cookie dough: do not eat. Should be, probably is, part of the fineprint. The question being, do I know anyone, anyone at all, out of the many thousands of people, or hundreds of thousands who tap the website, anyone ever caught a disease or gotten sick from raw cookie dough? The purported risk is obviously salmonella. That noted, I’m thinking, in our modern world, there’s cabal of people who just want to suck the joy out of the world, and those people made the rather arbitrary warning about not eating raw cookie dough. Girlfriend made up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, at least the dough. Never baked a single cookie. School was out and my buddy’s kids found the container, didn’t last long. So is there a group of people who are in a confederacy to just suck the joy out of the Moon Children’s week? Is raw cookie dough really a health hazard? Can the two really compare?
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