“The best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral scene individable, or poem unlimited; Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light, for the law of writ and the liberty: these are the only men.”
Polonius in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (II.ii.243)
Horoscopes for 11.21.2022
- Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Sagittarius November 22, 2022 at 2:21 AM.
- Jupiter goes direct 28° Pisces, November 23.
- New Moon 1° Sagittarius November 23/24.
With a nod to T.S. Eliot, yet again, this is how Sagittarius starts, not with a bang, but with a whimper. There’s a tenuous thread between Mercury’s pathway, and the orbit of Venus, and the two, together again? Albeit briefly? The two leave a confused thread. The new moon promises goodness around the corner; hope springs eternally? Sure, there is that. But that lunar phase, against a larger backdrop, and the annual pairing of Venus and Mercury? It’s not a time to get too invested in a singular outcome. What happens, down the Sagittarius road a ways? What happens? Mars (retrograde in the midst of Gemini) will work like a prism, and refract that formerly cohesive sense of direction from the new moon, and the planets will rent Sagittarius asunder. Whimper, goals, directions, birthday wishes. Whimper. Not a bang.
Another tidbit from Shakespeare? “tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers” (Romeo & Juliette 4.2.5) I got to that quote by looking at your own stars, and then, understanding, there’s a better quote, aphorism, about stirring the pot but being unwilling to lick the stir stick. This introduction to flaky Sagittarius leaves stalwart Capricorn with a target, a chance to stir a pot, a chance to rile up others.
Brough me back to my question, and the quote I plucked for Capricorn, as that’s a much nicer way to say it, but if you stir that particular pot? Are you willing to lick the spoon, afterwards? More question than answers, and maybe that’s the best way to leave it, going back to Shakespeare’s guidance rather than my own.
The trouble with being an Aquarius? There’s an inherent aloofness attributed to your character that I don’t see. You might not get it, too. The challenge is to engage in the current holiday, merry-making, whatever else is happening, celebration-style energy, and to do so with a modicum of abandon. Like, give in and show that you feel joy, sadness, horror, happiness, whatever it is that your Aquarius self feels. Let that show on the outside, too. Part of that vaunted “Aquarius aloofness” comes from a blank expression devoid of emotional content because the feelings are in analyst mode, at the time. No worries, just isn’t reflected on your face. So the quick answer, new moon in Sag., &c.? Let that inner thoughts be reflected on your face. Happy, sad, amazed, wonderment, whatever. Let it show.
I’m probably one of the last generations to learn how to drive with a manual transmission. I’m sure that there are current iterations, but for a spell, there’s a generation or two that only operates with two pedals on the floor of the car. One is “go” and the other is “stop.” Not much in between, with the two. One moves us forward at an exponentially faster rate while the other arrests that forward momentum with a more linear rate reduction. One for “go,” and one for “no go.” The singleness of just two pedals is what this is about, kind presents Pisces with a perfunctory binary set of choices. Why, as part of a generation who learned how to drive while constantly shifting gears? Makes for a better metaphor, as we slip into Sagittarius. New Moon, planets, Mars in reverse? There is a temptation to reduce all of this to binary situations, either forward or stopped. It’s not that simple, precious Pisces, it’s just not that simple. It’s various gradients, other options, selecting the right gear, shifting while using a clutch, and feathering the brake with the accelerator? Tricky footwork. Ultimately, that’s what Pisces needs, a little bit of tricky footwork, and yes, a standard transmission helps a lot. It doesn’t resolve to just a “go” or “no go” binary decision.
There are repairs, and there are situation wherein the repair costs more than the replacement value. While some folks immediately turn to a vehicle as an example, I was thinking more long the lines of a lap top computer. Sticky orange drink, an off-brand of orange coke? I saw a fishing buddy’s lap top thusly adorned. Most of can of that coke went in via the keyboard. To fix the lap top with its actual value? New case, new keyboard, new keys, new processor, new drives, as it had both a regular hard drive and a flash drive for the OS. Battery, that shorted out, too. All the parts are available, online, various sources. However, that amount of repair? It was cheaper, easier, simpler? Just get the drive out, hook up jumper cables, and transfer the important data over to a new lap top. “But we’ve been through so much together?” Repair costs more than the replacement value of the machine. The data? Mostly intact own the hard drive. The rest was a sticky, gooey mess. Hot mess, as thew battery friend the motherboard. So much for “Kramer’s computer repair service on a kitchen table,” that’s not working out, not now, not for Aries. Weigh cost of repairs against sentimental value against cost of new.
As an astute Taurus person? You can stay out of harm’s way, if you just duck. As the Grateful Dead once sang, “Ain’t no luck, I learned to duck.” I know I’ve used it before, and I can’t access the lyrical content. My bad. Still, as a quick lick, a lyrical referent? It’s a source, and an idea, about what to do. What not to do. What to get involved with, at this moment, and this week, as the circumstances occur? Don’t get involved. See crap flying your way? What was that original idea? “Ain’t no luck, I learned to duck.” Little implied, but it keep your gentle Taurus self out of harm’s way, and that’s my main goal. So? “Duck.”
We got us a really long haul with this crap, so just get used to it. No one, and I mean, no one is moving fast enough. To take a bad situation and make it worse? There’s a new level of confusion, with every, non–Gemini person making grossly inappropriate decisions, and that impacts your good Gemini selves. That a problem. It’s more of problem if you’re not aware of it. I’ve let you know it’s there. The bigger, rather a smaller series of challenges, comes from Mercury and Venus playing tag in Sagittarius, and the love planet gets confused with the thinking planet, and then, Mars action Gemini? Just makes this whole situation feel like the edge of a precipice. It’s not, but if you’re not aware of what’s pushing and pulling? You’ll go crazy. No need for that. “It’s short trip, for me.” Still, understand that you get to see, to feel, and to hear, all about bad decisions. No ned to accept ownership of what other people are doing.
When I want something done perfectly? I find a willing participant who has a great deal of Virgo in her chart. Just easier. Get a Virgo to unleash the perfectionist potential on whatever it is. While I’ll doubt you can look around for an actual Virgo to get this done? Consider that you’re looking for that Virgo-like quality. Gentle Moon children, the sign of the Crab, Cancer needs an attendant to help with the details. Details matter, only, it’s not a Cancer strength at this moment, and with that it mind? Unless there’s that Virgo Ascendant or better yet, the most annoying Virgo Moon placement? Unless there’s that? Think about aligning with some Virgo to get through this week. It helps you, and you help them. “Please be kind and rewind.”
The Leo
“Steadfast.” Looking at the charts, where the week starts, where the planets wind up, at the end of the week? Between now and the next horoscope? There’s a frighteningly fraught frame with nothing but mutable energies, running amok amongst the stars. Little bump in the road then Sagittarius starts almost exactly with a new moon, and from that, with Venus and Mercury playing an annual game of tag? Mars, setting up to rumble with Venus and Mercury? Instead of giving into the flights of fantasies, and the madness that resides in men’s minds? Instead of getting caught up in the exigent circumstances? Instead of giving in and listening to every whim and wish? Go back to those magnificent Leo roots, being the stable fire sign. With the Sun in Sagittarius, looking at birthdays and what not? You can use the inherent instability in the mutable fire sign, and the answer to this week’s Leo conundrum? The way through? Be steadfast. Or, as I intoned at the beginning? “Steadfast.” It’s all it takes, just be your usual, some would suggest staid, but we like it, “Steadfast.”
Old lecture notes I’m using here, but the symbolism holds up well. There’s a running feud between the Head and the Heart. The brain wants a simple, logical answer whereas the emotional components desire a different outcome. As if the two were ever at odds, and yet, here we are, Heart and Head, struggling against each other with different outcomes being the cause of the conflict. In the next few days, trying to separate out and divide up those differing outcomes? Apparently different goals? Given enough time, “But we don’t have enough time, the holidays!” Given a few extra minutes in an already over-full schedule means you do have enough time. Besides, this separation of head and heart, it will be easier to appease both in about a week’s time.
While I much prefer the more archaic version of the expression, “Haste makes waste,” there’s always the Shakespeare version, “hasty marriage seldom proveth well.” (Henry 6.3 4.1.18) It’s worth considering that the more hurried under this influence you get? The less that gets done. Slow it down and carefully plan a route to accommodate all the Libra desires. Understand, as well, that those desires, those very carefully thought out plans? All of that tends to crumble at the first bump in that Libra route. However, having a plan, and making the best of it? That’s what works. There’s a kind of confusion, not your fault, but since no one sees clearly? The added layer of holiday stress is confusing, and since no one sees clearly, whip out that Libra game-plan, and follow it as best as possible.
As a child, I was limited on what TV I could watch, which, in turn, obviously led to a life in books. But one ad came back to haunt, deep, family secrets revealed? Spoiler alert? Sure. Whatever. But what I always wanted for a breakfast was brand-name “Malt-O-Meal,” just a hot cereal that was more marketing than substance, be my suspicion. Probably why it was on the “That’s too expensive” list. I don’t know. However, at this point in my own, non–Scorpio life? I’m willing to investigate — which meant a short walk to the grocery store, and two-dollar box of the hot cereal on my own, childhood “do not try list.” Hasn’t cooled off enough for hot cereal for breakfast, not yet, but when it does? I’ll have some. For gentle Scorpio — follow my lead: you weren’t allowed as a kid, but you’re not a kid anymore — go ahead and try the forbidden cereal. Might have to wait until next year before the weather dictates “hot” cereal.
Malt-O-Meal, Original, Hot Wheat Cereal (3 Pack)
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