Highlight Reel 2022

Highlight Reel 2022

Simplest, for me, is media, and that would include TV, film, and books. Maybe links, too.

TV, or streaming? The Peripheral based on the William Gibson novel.

Think the big one for me, in 2022, though was stumbling into Laura Lippman books. Just wonderful stuff.

Along author lines, though, sad to note the passing of Stuart Woods, a prolific Capricorn author I tracked for years, old girlfriend and all, getting me hooked on the series. Fortunately, he still had a few books in the pipeline, see how that works, in the new year.

Highlight Reel 2022

Highlight Reel 2022

Shakespeare and Baseball, single trip, and what sticks with me the most? Baltimore Oriole, stepped up to the plate, first pitch, first swing, a definitive “crack” of the bat, and it was one run. Baltimore won that game, but the Rangers acquitted themselves nicely, a little later in that series.

But the best part, besides the seats? Shakespeare and Baseball in a single trip.

Highlight Reel 2022

Odd collection and as of this writing, insert today’s date here, the most popular posts, with an asterisk.

  1. Changing Hands Bookstore (2016)
  2. Reading with your Ears (2015)
  3. Web Typography (2015)

The asterisk is for the popularity — as determined by fraudulent and discarded comments. Lately? More than half the spam comments are in Cyrillic script, too. Not sure what that means.

In the last year, those are the entries with the highest traffic counts.

Highlight Reel 2022

Happy New Year?

Borrow my pen

Borrow my pen

I like the old advice best, just go slow, don’t look anyone in the eye, no sudden moves, let’s wait and see what 2023 is like before we make any commitments or new year resolutions.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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