Turkish Coffee
My understanding, limited to cursory online glimpses and assorted coffee literature? Turkish Coffee is finely ground coffee, mixed with sugar and other spices, notably Cardamom, and boiled in a little brazier, a copper, hourglass-shaped coffee pot. The coffee is brought once to a roiling boil, then moved to the side of the stove, and brought to a second boil, rich and frothy.
The beverage is served in a tiny demitasse, with the grounds settling out and just sipping the liquid top half.
Years back, chronicled elsewhere, I had Turkish Coffee, but I believe it was Greek Coffee at the time. It was my introduction to tea leaf reading, only with coffee grounds.
A place not far from home with advertised Mediterranean Menu items surprised me with a very affordable, post-prandial Turkish Coffee. It’s been years since I’ve had such a treat, and the presentation was even better.