Leaving Austin

Leaving Austin

MercRXWhen I left Austin a few years back? I sold some real estate to facilitate my change in directions. I faired rather well with the deal, although, I left one guy scratching his head because I left some money on the table, in a manner of speaking, but I was merely honoring contracts and contractual obligations1.

This came around, and what followed? One of my Austin buddies looked at the fistful of dollars, and decided to cash in, as well. Timing wasn’t quite right, but spurred by my success?

That place sat on the market for over a year, as it was another one of the cyclical “boom and bust” scenarios that I’ve seen two-three times in Austin itself. Buddy’s place never sold. No great realized capital gains, no tax burden, and still in Austin, to this day. There’s renewed interest now that market has gone nuts, but sure, and cooled off again.

Boom or bust.

In a separate issue, another client got around to selling a home at the tail-end of the most recent Austin “boom and bust.”

Just as the interests rates were raised?

Leaving Austin

I use real estate deals as a way to explain various energies associated with the Mercury Retrograde cycles.

Timing is important to me, and I use the relative position of the planets to facilitate decisions. I am not ruled by the planets, but I tend to favor moving in concert with the present energies rather than struggling against the long odds2.

Doesn’t always work, but I have a better idea when it will work, and what to expect. Or what not to expect.

The real estate and subsequent real estate sale? For one? There was the great hope for riches, and yet, that didn’t manifest — yet.

Wait until Mercury is no longer retrograde?

The Portable Mercury Retrograde

  1. “If what the lawyers to get out of the deal cost more than potential gain, is it worth?”
  2. Yes, we all acknowledge the family motto should read in Latin scroll, “numquam facilem.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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