“Thither I must, although against my will,
For servants must their masters’ minds fulfill.”
Dromio of Syracuse in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors 4.1.112-3
Horoscopes for Gemini 2023
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Gemini on May 21, 2023 at 2:12 AM (local).
- Mars enters Leo May 21
- Full Moon June 4 at 13° Gemini
- Venus enters Leo June 5
- Pluto retrograde into Capricorn June 11
- Saturn turns retrograde June 16 at 7° Pisces
The Sun enters Cancer (solstice) June 21, 2023 at 9:58 AM (local).
There’s always an extra layer, and this birthday month is held together with some unknown substrate. I hopped into the suburban hauler of a buddy’s wife. She has two smallish kids, and there was some other unattached kid riding, friend of a friend, so, three kids, me, and the mom. As I pulled the door shut behind me, crawling up into the front passenger seat, my right hand hit upon a dark, gooey substance. There were a handful of discarded fast-food wrappers and napkins, littering the front the floor. Instinctively, I just grabbed a clean-looking one, and wiped off whatever was on my hand. The gooey, probably organic, and sugar-based substance was, is, the perfect example. One kid in the back seat offered to taste it, see what it was. The other two giggled. The substance that holds this month together, for Gemini? It’s a gooey, probable organic, possibly sugar and water-based, but without a laboratory’s chemical analysis, the exact nature of the substrate’s compound might not be known. How important is it to know what that stuff was? Probably a sugar/candy connection with either bread or some similar binding agent, as a culinary cross between meal and dessert. How important is it to know exactly what that stuff was? “There’s some Kleenex here some place, sorry about that.” In the last 60 or 70 years, mom cars haven’t changed. We still don’t know what that Gemini substrate is made of, but does it matter?
Gemini starts with Mars making a hasty exit from Cancer, the Moon Children’s sign. The challenge presented by the exit of Mars? It hits a number of desultory spots in fixed signs, most notable being Taurus, on the one side, and Leo, on the other side, with a serving of Scorpio layered in, just to cause some extra “fixed” consternation. While, directly, this isn’t bad for gentle Cancer, the Moon Children? Indirectly, this is a source of ire. “Things were supposed to calm down!” They were. They are, they will. What happens is a number of other parts run into pieces that don’t seem to fit correctly into the puzzle, and more than one — non-Cancer — person will get a hammer and try to force the issue. “If I just bang on this with enough force, it has to fit!” Doesn’t work, not in this situation. The archetypal element for Cancer is water. Flow around those who are stuck. Makes it easier to move forward if you don’t get hung up on their obstacles, you know.
The Leo
Fishing, in June? Gets weird, and this varies from location to location, but it tends to be hot, remember: I live in Texas. The heat is normal, here. Not so hot to me, but blistering to some more fair weather types. So it’s relative. Still, for me, as the Sun climbs higher and higher in the sky, it gets warmer and warmer, making for a certain level of discomfort amongst my fishing buddies. However, those of us willing to brace the onset of the summer sun? It promises to be a really good season for whatever it is we are fishing for. The promise is success if we wade through the discomforting conditions, which, truthfully, aren’t that bad, just not optimal for maximum Leo comfort. This varies from location to location, as the weeks ahead unfold. What it does spell out is a certain amount of both personal and professional advancement, or success, or just nice pictures of big fish and smiling fisher-people. How you want to divide that up? It’s individual, and applies to each magnificent Leo in different ways and at different times. Simplest way to see this, though? It’s good, but it’s hot.
Ask for help. Pretty simple idea, and I would, as is my style, expand upon the notion that a good Virgo needs to ask for help, but we’ll need some assistance with the demonstration. Between Saturn and Neptune, there’s sense that order and structure — we want to impose good, Virgo organization on the mess in front of us. To impose that order on the apparent chaos? We need help. I can do this by myself, but I’ve found that an outside set of eyes, a different person listening, a dispassionate party who is not directly involved? That helps for a more objective look at the problem this month poses, the next few days, anyway, and the answer to the question? Ask for help. It’s simple enough, as there is order and disorder, while most good Virgo minds thrive with some semblance of structure? We have to impose that structure ourselves, yourselves, the Virgo self requires some kind of order to this mess. A plan of action, a way to clean this up, or way to see yourself moving forward, and that’s done, simply enough, by enlisting the assistance of others. “Others” is defined as “non-Virgo” characters.
Next few days, as Venus gets ready to shift positions, this sense that “Things are hard” goes to “things feel easier, now.” In Libra land? That applies more. It is a gentle shift, though, and this isn’t like just flicking a light switch, and it isn’t without the usual warnings. Not so much as “bad,” but just not as comfortable as one would like for Libra. However, this changes, and there is a shift, a shift in energy, a shift in understanding, and growing sense of innate knowledge. All that leads to a better grasp of the situations, and having a better handle on the situations allows us to make better decisions. Timing is everything so the clue is to put this off as much as possible, until it starts feeling better. None of this is bad, but over-thinking it means you over-cook the Libra chip-set, and that means it all gets too hot to handle. Too many confusing metaphors? Go slow, go slower at first, and wait for it.
The more adaptable you are? The more you are willing to gracefully accept changes? The easier this gets. The less adaptable you are, and after all, good Scorpio energy isn’t known for being ultimately flexible, but the more willing to gracefully accept substantial changes? The easier this gets. The world, the universe, just about everyone you meet? We are all running into obstacles, blockages, and oftentimes, these are problems of our own creation. Therefore? The understanding that a lot of people are running into problems that they created — on of their own volition? It can be amusing, if approached correctly. Oftentimes, though, that good Scorpio wants to jump in and help. No need for that. “It was supposed to be at 1, but we need to push to 2, that OK?” Good Scorpio says, “Sure, no problem,” when in fact, it is a huge inconvenience but that doesn’t matter. “Can we push that 2 to 3?” Again, gracefully acquiescing to the little changes makes this season much more amenable and enjoyable. Besides, none of this is etched in stone. It’s not permanent. Might feel like we’re all trying to irritate your good Scorpio self, but we’re not. “Things just come up.” Work with that.
Oh it’s the season. To some of us, this is the Sagittarius Silly Season. To others? This is the season of great silliness in all the people we know. Kind of varies, and that perspective, the point-of-view, the position wherein we are viewing all of this from? That can change and shift. One moment, we’re watching , and the next moment, we’re being watched. What makes this worse is an inherent lack of an ability, on our Sagittarius parts, to take the issue, or issues, seriously. “This is a big deal! Don’t you get it?” Yeah. No. Yeah, no. It is serious, but it’s not serious for us. But it is serious, and hence? The Sagittarius Silly Season. Look: we can’t change our ability to giggle at the worst possible time, because, ah, c’mon, look at it. It is funny. Maybe not funny to you — or someone else, but in our little Sagittarius hearts? Yeah, I can see how that might be laughable. Two things to watch for, in the coming weeks. Some people won’t find our bleak sense of silliness amusing. Might appear to be downright hurtful to others, or so it appears. Flip that around? Same thing happens to us, we think it is super serious, and there’s a Scorpio (or some other non-Sagittarius sign), laughing at us and trying hard to not mock our predicament.
There are fractal memories of these times. We’ve, most assuredly, seen this before, but that doesn’t stop the rewind, and the way the material all cycles back, one last time. There’s a sense that we go headfirst into a fairly old, maybe even recycled, proposition. A position some other sign has taken, and there is no — apparently — wiggle room. No space to negotiate. It looks like it’s become a simple, either/or suggested outcome. Best example? “Either my way or the highway?” That’s it? “Take it or leave it.” This is tricky part of this next month is learning to see the way where it could go either way, and the options are not etched in stone, as some other signs would have you believe. We can negotiate, equivocate, balance, and dissemble. That last one? “Dissembling?” That’s long become a favorite, and as good a go-to, especially for Capricorn in the next days, weeks, even, as a chance to avoid making a firm commitment when everyone else is demanding an absolute. “Maybe.” Are you sure? “Yes, maybe.”
I should point out, I survived — even thrived — years and years of Pluto abuse. So it’s not like I haven’t been in your Aquarius shoes before. Nope, not unknown to me, so there is that. However, I’m more interested in watching an unfolding drama that really isn’t in Aquarius, but is Aquarius adjacent. Mars, then Mars and Venus, and Jupiter, all of that runs into a problem. A very “fixed” problem, at that. The term, “stubborn” doesn’t even convey the notation of how entrenched this issue might be.
“My fate hangs in the balance!”
I wouldn’t go quite that far, but I will suggest that it certainly feels like that at the moment. Varies from individual Aquarius to the next the exact moment that this hits, but in the course of the next few weeks, it will hit. When it does? Remember that the planets1 represent energies, and those energies can be interpreted a number of different ways. Start by replacing the word “stubborn” with “tenacious.” See if reframing the terminology helps adjust your perspective.
What I want is fewer “moving parts.” Every time a new feature is introduced, that creates further complexities, and that means, more chances for a cheap piece to break and make an expensive mistake. What I want is fewer moving parts. For Pisces, this is about removing, restricting, and trimming away at excess — material that serves no useful Pisces function. Questions to ask yourself? “Does it generate a positive cash flow?” And? “Does it bring me joy?” While trying to simplify several weeks of upheaval in the heavens to a simple, binary set questions is perhaps, a little too facile? “Think, Pisces, think.” Does a particular action bring joy? Does a particular course of events contribute to a positive cash flow? Simple questions that can have surprising results, as we try and navigate the murky depth of the near future. Think like me, my mantra, “what I want is fewer moving parts.”
There is only one serious source of tension for Aries in the coming weeks. People. Or, to spell it out more directly? People who are not doing what you, as an Aries, know is the best way to tackle a problem, surmount a challenge, or otherwise vanquish a foe. Here’s the trick to successfully negotiating the next few weeks. It’s a stubborn, fixed energy, and one that doesn’t bode well for an argumentative Aries mind, as I know, and you know, that’s two of us, we know that you’re right. Correct. Totally in agreement with the fastest, most expedient route to getting from here to there, whatever the goal, or destination is? You’re right. I know you’re right. No one else does, hence the confusion, caution, and care. Understanding that the other, non-Aries components of people? That is going to get cross, or get crossed, either way, get into trouble with your valid Aries perceptions, and as such? Problem. Problems. If you can keep to yourself, know that you’re right, and wait on everyone else to catch up? It helps. lot.
There’s a pervasive, natural order to the life of Taurus, next few weeks. Should be. In a grand overview, there are bumps, twists, and turns, but seriously, from a vaunted, vaulted to some, “bird’s eye view?” Think about the natural order and progression. Local grocery is almost all automated now. The self-checkout line is, presumably, faster, quicker, and reduces human interaction, which, in my mind, reduces the social nature of going to the store in the first place. If you’re extroverted? Stand in line for a person. If you’re introverted? The self-check is open. Either way, the bumps, twists, and turns? The line you want is longer, or the machine is broken. It’s not a deal killer, just a reminder of human foibles, and still, I’ll suggest, pervasive, natural order to Taurus life, with some calming influences around. Overall is good, just, the line you pick, in an allegorical sense? Probably be the longest wait.
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