Horoscopes for 5-30-23

“Will you be rul’d by me?”

The King in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (IV.vii.54)

Horoscopes for 5-30-23

Full Moon June 3, 13 Gemini/Sag.
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Gemini There’s always one. One must acquiesce to unbidden nature of how the creative juices work. For some, this is art. For others, this can take any number of different resolutions to seemingly impenetrable problems. Obstacles that show no weakness, and challenges that have — on the surface — no manner of easy fixing. Some people look on a typical Gemini energy and make faulty assumption that Gemini is inherently lazy. While all generalities are false, it does look like that to some observers. It’s not true, but appearances can be deceiving. I’ve carefully watched as Gemini struggles to take complex issue and make it easy. When that’s done, it looks like the Gemini is lazy, and again, not true. Look at the birthday problem, toy with it, turn it over in your mind, and examine the possible routes that might, or might not, be apparent to all. There’s an inherently creative, looks like lazy shortcut, but in essence, it is brilliant time (and labor) saving shortcut. Comes from that miraculous Gemini subconscious. Have to admit it works, and have a happy birthday.


Buddy of mine makes cabinets. He’s a carpenter, I guess. His last iteration of business cards was truly unique. He would gather scraps of wood, tailing, end-cuts, trimming, and various other wood bits. He had a wood burner branding thing, and in his spare time, he would heat that branding thing with a torch, and leave his mark. Name, number, and his company name. Makes for an interesting calling card. I mean, his number and email is in my phone, so that’s how I get him, but when I stopped by the other evening?

He had on his goggles, and he was merrily humming while burning a few scraps of wood to make his “business cards.” It’s unique. It sets his work apart. No two “business cards” are the exact same. It contains his important data — name, phone. No social media because he tends to be a bit of Luddite, which should appeal, especially now, to the Moon Children, Cancer corner of the sky. It’s about being the same, but being different. A marketing buddy called them, “lumpy business cards,” but either iteration works. Think: the same but different.

The Leo

The Trickster shows up in many mythologies, from the fox in Central Europe, to the coyote in the Southwestern States, to the raven along the Pacific Northwest. Hermes in the Greek, and borrowed as Mercury in the Roman mythologies. This week-long build-up to Venus opposite from Pluto has an element of the trickster about it. In it. Around it. Flavor? With Mars in Leo, the is the unLeolike sense of making snap judgements that might, or might not, or maybe they are, influenced by the trickster, in one guise or another. The hurried nature of the judgement is the problem. While I’m a fan, myself, of the old adage, “If you can’t be right, be wrong at the top of your voice,” source collected in Pink Cake, and while I’m a fan, and as a silly Sagittarius, I can pull it off? That isn’t a look that holds up well for The Leo. That means? Be wary of the various guises of the trickster, and his or her manipulations that might not be the best snap decision your Leo self can make.



There’s a lake I know; great place for me to fish. Just a single rod and reel, small pocket box with a few hooks and lures, I’m set. Add to this imagery, it’s sort of a creek bed, kind of inlet, more where rain drains into the little lake, and alongside that inlet, some stepping stones for getting in a better position. Correctly placed? A tiny bait can lure big bass, and some summer mornings, this is great fun. Doesn’t always work, but time and tide waits for no one. Got to give it a try, and especially now, with that Full Moon. There is a problem, though, and it’s more tricky, as I’m always tempted to step out into the middle of the channel on those flat rocks, to get that lure right up the creek’s middle and hit the hidden overhang where the fish are lurking. While the surface looks dry? The way the water splashes around a bit means that the steppingstones get slippery. I risk a dunk in a creek, and this summer, it’s more brackish backwater rather than clear stream. With what’s going on for Libra? Might want to stick to the backside, on Virgo dry land, where it is safer, and the footing is more sure.


I’ll find a cute, hole-in-the-wall kind of place, good food, excellent beverages, some outstanding quality, and I’ll get attached. Had this happen. More than once, now. Maybe just a place that makes coffee, just like I like it? Or tortillas? The friendly atmosphere, the people who work there, the backstory, the store front, something sets it apart as extra special in my mind. The problem, as I’ve rambled around, I’ll find one such place, and when I come back after a prolonged absence, the original marquee is now branded, exported, franchised, and otherwise a victim of its own success. Got famous. Got bought out. Sold down the river. Any number of clichés apply, and during this next few months, that’s what to watch for, a victim of one’s own success.


The Scorpio problem is forgiveness. A Scorpio will forgive you, then forget about forgiveness, and get upset all over again. It’s a vicious cycle, isn’t it? With the planets aligning, or mis-aligning, as the best example? Think about that pattern of Scorpio forgiveness as a cycle on an endless loop. Forgive. Forget. Forget about forgiving. Get angry all over again. What goes around? Comes around? More questions than answers. The correct approach, for a normal person? Just the first part, “Forgive and forget.” That long arm of Scorpio memory, though, reaching back and dredging up previous injuries? That’s the part we must be careful with as this tends to serve no really good purpose. My advice, and one I hold near to my non-Scorpio heart, as a lesson from a good Scorpio? I forgive, but I don’t forget the rat bastard tried to get away with it in the first place. Forgive? Sure. Forget? Might be a time to stop this repentant cycle.


The two most important lovers in one’s life, especially a Sagittarius life? The one who got away, and the one. These are two sides of a different coin, to mix a metaphor. These represent, in the Sagittarius life, success and failure. The one who got away. The failed romantic interlude that never became what it could become. Failure at its finest. There will always be that one. The one that got away. Sometimes, in our failures, our shortcomings, the greatest source of growth is from those selfsame mistakes that loom in the Sagittarius subconscious, and that’s one of half of this week’s meaning. There’s the one that got away. In order for that to work? There’s always the one. Just as a point of order? These need to be separate characters, and not two versions or a single energy.


What had to be one of the funniest comment from young Capricorn? Actually came from the kid’s mom, but the source remains the same? The kid was that pre-school age, still solid Capricorn, and the mom was culling clothing, and the kid got upset. No the clothes were clearly too small, but he thought that the clothes could be saved until he had his own kid, and in his world, so he didn’t have to buy more clothes for his own kid. 4 years old? 5 years old? Thinking like a good Capricorn, for sure. Spells out what I would like Capricorn to consider, as well. I like that kind of “longer-term” thinking. Amazing to see it a child that young, but then kids can be amazing, and Capricorn kids? Even more so. Now, let’s take that kid’s notion of saving all his clothing until he, too, has a kid. That’s 20 or more years in the future, depending. Think about that, though, 20 or more years, on down the Capricorn line? Think about something rather than the immediate future. “That way I don’t have to buy any clothes for my kid.”


Old set of questions, and the verbal, crude form is better, but not linked here. “Does is add to the human condition?” And/or? “Does it add to my bottom line (bank balance, financial well-being, stability, sanity?” If the answer is “no” to both questions? Don’t do it. There are two parts of the equation, and it’s much more than a simple binary question, but it does simplify the questions rambling around the Aquarius brain. Is it good for the human condition? Does it add to my bottom line? No and no? That means no. Don’t. Simply put, ain’t fun, doesn’t help anyone? Don’t do it.


I’ll sometimes refer to Saturn as “The real world.” Often. It sort of fits, and now that Saturn is firmly messing with the Pisces psyche? Time to get real about it. What Saturn demands is hard work. Head down, furtively bent over a particular task that might be onerous and noisome, and yet, it must be done. There are certain portions of my Pisces friends that understand this approach to Saturn and his ministrations. Then, there’s a greater portion of poor Pisces who just don’t get it. I’m not saying this is “all bad,” hardly what I would think. But there is a degree of effort required, and even now? Looks like there are no visible rewards for the effort that is demanded of poor pitiful Pisces. Is that so bad? Think about doing this work, undercover, like, a secret mission. Might not be fun, but it does — eventually — generate rewards. Just none in the immediate Pisces future.


There was an Aries short, a brief description of an Aries, as “High standards, but a dirty mind.” Gratefully, in my experience? Aries don’t all have those high standards. Dirty mind, sure, but again, gratefully, the standards aren’t too high. Just been my experience. Given where the planets are right now? I just want to raise those standards a little. “Raise the standards?” No, temporarily raise your own, Aries set of standards. I’m not sure we can meet the Aries expectations, but the acceptable level of risk, engagement, or just what you would deem as acceptable? Might want to elevate that from its previous low point.


Follow enough of this material, and the same crap resurfaces, sometimes with with a different label, but the bulk of the message stays the same. However, this week in Taurus? “Strangers think I’m quiet; my casual friends think I’m fun; and close friends know I’m crazy.” That about sums up the next few days, between pressures, pressure cooker scenarios, and the way this might play out? That expression, though, “crazy?” We have to be careful. I can’t make clinical diagnosis for actual insanity, but even the good, nominally stable Taurus will recognize that there are bouts of unregulated energy that seems to get sideways in a hurry. To an outside observer? “He crazy.” Or she, doesn’t much matter, adjust as need be, but the relative insanity part? Best advice? Keep it to your close friends who know this is not new information, nor, are they willing to take action on the unstable notions.


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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