Mercurial Examples

Mercurial Examples

MercRX I was at the post office, perfectly normal place for me to be. I prefer that address as it’s the one that’s been the same for the longest amount of time. Consistency matters. Easiest way to find me, outside of the website or a show.

I had a notice that there was a package for me to pick up. Again, all normal, but recall? Mercury’s retrograde, right? Wander inside the lobby of the post office, no line, so I sauntered over to the feller behind the counter. He was looking down at his phone, and a package was sitting own the scale. I flashed the pick up notice, and he suggested that I go to the outside window, in the outer lobby, and ring the bell. I’m in no hurry, and Mercury is retrograde, right? What should I do? I pull out my phone, grab another overnight mailer, and ring the bell. Nothing.

Ring the bell again.


Another feller strides in purposefully, with Grunt Style, crossed sabers, cannon barrels on his shirt. Army Soldier Style, (Flat Dark Earth) camo shorts, and a matching style of billed hat. Crossed saber, or long-barreled pistols, I don’t pay much attention. Stylized American flags on the attire. Implied, not for sure, but implied military service. I nodded to the button, and said I’d hit it twice, but he was welcome to try. He pushed the button, glanced at this phone, hit the button again, shifted his weight from foot to foot, and then he ducked inside the lobby. No line in there, and I would presume, the same guy sitting at customer clerk position. I didn’t hear the exchange, but the other guy, he came back out, pushed the button again, glanced at his phone, and left.

Moments later, a bright, cheery young man opened the delivery door, “Can I help you?” I smiled, handed over the package claim slip, and got some coffee filters — too big to fit in the post office box itself. Always buy in bulk and ahead of schedule? Coffee is a big part of Mercury Retrograde Rituals.

That’s what I was picking up extra, inexpensive coffee filters. Shipped to the PO Box.

Mercurial Examples

The relative intransigent discontent of guy next to me in the line, I bowed out of his way and offered to let him go before me, obvious as his inconsolable irritation with the lack of great alacrity on a lazy afternoon, in San Antonio.

Pause. Wait for it. Patience. Or, like me in that moment? I was scrolling through various feeds on my phone, cherry-picking some particular event to highlight the nature of Mercury and its retrograde pattern.

Like an impatient individual in line at the post office. Getting mad doesn’t make them move any faster. Besides, one must be aware of the limits of the engagement before commencing. Not like this is an unknown quantity — USPS, staid, dependable, reliable, and some days, a little under-staffed. Like those times when you’re in big hurry.

If only there was a guideline for this time…

the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel

Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde

Guidance is Internal

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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