Ready Player Two
- Ready Player One (here) & the movie…
Ready Player Two: A Novel
Opening scene, begs, in my mind, comparison to the classic Neuromancer (and its subsidiary derivatives.) Too bad, confusing the allegory, it was Ender’s tablet that I now use.
And now the set-up…
(I’d recently discovered that when you’re madly in love with someone they can persuade you to do pretty much anything.) Page 8.
“Human beings were never meant to participate in a worldwide social network comprised of billions of people. We were designed by evolution to be hunter-gatherers, with the mental capacity to interact and socialize with the other members of our tribe—a tribe made up of a few hundred other people at most.” Page 51.
Now it makes sense. Fiction is always truer than truth because fiction, unlike life, has to make sense.
Ready Player Two