Horoscopes for 12-26-2023

Horoscopes for 12-26-2023

“But this denoted a foregone conclusion.”

Shakespeare’s Othello 3.3.429

Horoscopes for 12-26-2023

Full Moon 12/26/23 6:33 PM 4° Cancer
Mercury direct 1/1/24 22° Sag.
Sun enters Aquarius 1/21
Pluto enters Aquarius 1/21
Sun enters Pisces 2/20
Mercury 15° Aries
Sun enters Aries 3/21
Eclipse 3/25 12° Ari./Lib.
Mercury RX 4/2 27° Aries
Eclipse 4/8 19° Ari.
Sun enters Taurus 4/20
Mercury Direct 4/25 15° Aries
Sun enters Gemini 5/21
Jupiters enters Gemini 5/26
Sun enters Cancer 6/21
Mercury at 21° Leo 7/17
Sun enters The Leo’s sign 7/23
Mercury RX 4° Virgo
Sun enter Virgo 8/23
Mercury direct 21° Leo 8/28
Eclipse 9/18 26° Vir./Pis.
Sun enters Libra 9/23
Eclipse 10/2 9° Libra
Sun enters Scorpio 10/23
Mercury 6° Sag. 11/8
Sun enters Sagittarius 11/22
Mercury RX 22° Sag. 11/27
Mercury Direct 12/15 6° Sag.
Sun enters Capricorn 12/22

(All times are local, as they say, “your mileage may vary,” see the fineprint for details)

Horoscopes for 12-26-2023

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Horoscopes by Kramer Wetzel

Horoscopes by Kramer Wetzel


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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