Politely Disagree
I would like to politely disagree with the highly esteemed, imminently readable Scalzi and his commentary about Reeves’s acting in that one film. But that’s me, and overall? The piece is quite nice, and I still recall tears as the opening sequence ran, in the old theatre that’s now an Alamo Drafthouse in Austin. At the time, the place was just an art house theatre, if memory serves. That was 30 years ago.
Memory might not serve, and Scalzi is, by and large, really quite correct about the movie. Give him that little 100% sign.
Politely Disagree
The character, Don John, he’s an aloof ass, a littered under Saturn. Think that explains it all. But I do recommend Scalzi’s books. Great writer.
Read what the more literate and better versed have to say about that movie.