Updated Hotlink Policy

“He’s poor in no one fault, but stor’d with all.”

Shakespeare’s Coriolanus (II.i.12)

Updated Hotlink Policy

Had to revise the details a little, and too often? It’s not clear. A “hotlink” in this context, a website, an electric document? A “hotlink” is a clickable, serviceable electronic Universal Resource Locator. It “points” to a digital location.

URL examples:

Here’s the problem: I have zero control what happens to you and yours when you leave my realm.

If it is within my control, fine, I’ll accept full responsibility, but leave, or deviate from the instructions?

You’re on your own.

You leave here? You’re on your own. I have no (zero, nada, zilch) control as to what happens when you leave here. It’s up to you.

Updated Hotlink Policy

As a professional, and having done this kind of work for many long years, I know what trends, actions, inactions, and otherwise, what all can happen.

“He’s poor in no one fault, but stor’d with all.”

    Coriolanus (II.i.12)

This Updated Hotlink Policy supersedes all previous polices, except when the previous policy was superior, and whatever legal expression covers it all.

Updated Hotlink Policy

You leave here? Figure it out yourself.

“It amused me.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

Use of this site (you are here) is covered by all the terms as defined in the fineprint, reply via e-mail.

© 1993 – 2024 Kramer Wetzel, for astrofish.net &c. astrofish.net: breaking horoscopes since 1993.

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