Regenerative Production
Me? I’m only tangentially associated with anything that has to do with AI. At this point, and for my own, foreseeable future, I’m solo, and I perform all my own stunts. (See Fineprint for relative disclaimers, terms, and notices.) As such I still derive pleasure from the work itself. As such, I’m not using any AI “tools” to write my own material.
I suppose I could use it to do a copyright check, but I’m pretty sure, most of this, is all me.
All of it is — “To the best of my ability.”
Regenerative Production
One teacher suggested what he wanted to see was “synthesis” from students. Take several data points, even complete data sets, and then turn out something new. The problem being, when actual synthesis did occur, saw it done one time with another student, a brilliant, if flawed rendering of a passage, its meaning, sources, and definitions?
That teacher shot it down. Truly original composition, if, as I suggested, flawed, but the logic, the supporting evidence, and the pacing suggested it felt true.
What I was taught? I was instructed to learn how to “synthesize,” as in taking a number of possibly disparate points and making a coherent harmony out of the contrasting, conflicting data.
Turn spurious information and facts into a coherent narrative. Weave it into a story that makes sense.
Regenerative Production
I studied a few other grand masters, and I’ve continued to be involved in my own education, never stopping, and to find wonder in everything.
The problems poised with AI, and especially in its current iterations? It can’t synthesize. It can only regurgitate.
Doubt that can replace me.