Rainy blues

For some years now, Bubba Sean’s been telling me about his childhood accomplice, a long-time friend of his who is now employed by the Austin Police Department. While I was working in East Austin, I noticed two squad cars picking up a guy, so I ambled over and inquired, just see if I could be of assistance. Part of the job.

Finally got to meet the patrol officer.

Then, a little later, Bubba Sean himself calls me up, “whatcha doin fer supper” kind of tone. Sonic’s 99 cent burger became the hot idea. We started to walk, but then it started to rain, so we looped back and hopped in his car. He glanced at the cell, then it rang, Homer Simpson saying, “Bitch bitch bitch.”

So our direction changed, and we arrived at a record store about the same time the cops did, and we missed grabbing someone who kited a felonious amount of checks to Bubba’s employer. Plus, to hear him tell it, he was personally responsible for almost making the grab.

Some kind of excitement. Plus, there were some new T-shirts. So I got a free T out of the deal. Then a burger, a shake, and called it a night.

But not quite. From my refer logs, I know that Tuesday nights were the slowest, traffic wise. So I figure, as long as I’m setting up a new server, maybe this was a good time to tweak some stuff. Just a few items, nothing drastic, just a couple of places where I want to clean up the web site. Just few extraneous bits and pieces that have grown rather unwieldy, in digital terms, over the last two, three years.

I worked up that new splash page, and I’ll have it set so there’s an option to head straight to the scopes. That’s easy. I liked the critique of the artwork, “Like a high, lonesome drifter in Tevas…” Imagine that spaghetti western theme song whistling in the background….

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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