Say something funny

Round a-bout, 4/6/03 4:05 AM, ya’ll “” said:

> While occassionally enjoyable, your column was among the least illuminating,
> giving your strained and colloquial use of allegory. Breszny would never stoop
> to this. After all, he displays a genuine talent for metaphor as a means to
> challenge the reader’s hunger for information as he originated it in the Santa
> Cruz weekly Sun decades ago. Your Ma Wetzel would be ashamed of your newfound
> greed. Pat yourself on the back for joining the texas (intentionally not
> capitalized) campaign to suck money (and power) from the rest of the country
> while offering little or nothing in return (a la Enron Cheney / Bush). Just
> remember texas, what goes around, comes around. Your greed may be big, but
> your integrity is very very small.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to write in!

“Ibam ibi, feci id, aditus piscari.”

Kramer Wetzel (no relation to any fictional character)
Astrology Home Buoy –>

Say something funny.
When I was at Linda’s to teach on Wednesday night, I found a copy of the program for the upcoming “Body Mind Soul Expo” with my speaking slot filled with “XXX” at “xxx”.

I like that, though, think about it. It was either that, or I was supposed to talk about Fly Girl Products.

Another reader from CA, affiliated with some church, dropped off some chocolates. I promptly set the box up as bait. Another friend’s Taurus daughter came by and pulled a “Harry Met Sally.”

“Oh my heart is racing,” she said [swoon>, hand to forehead.

“Yeah, I do that’s what I do to women,” I replied.

No Kramer, it was the chocolate.”

Dinner with a few folks at Romeo’s, listened while my Pisces friend outlined her next workshop, intended to make males more sensitive to a woman’s desires.

Got home late and tweaked one more script, and presto-changoe, it all works now.

Subscriptions are set up to cost money.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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