There’s an age-old riddle, and know what?
Money/Time x Religion (bad math)
I started to do the math on this one, and I never made that call. The numbers scared me away.
Figure that I call, and then they log the phone number, so I get calls once per day, asking me to donate. If that goes on for a week, that’s 7 minutes. Then, I’ll start getting junk mail. Trashing and recycling the junk mail will take, oh, 30 seconds in a day, averaged out over a year’s span? That’s a minute a week, or almost a whole hour in a year. Maybe more, depending on the math.
I will admit, though, that the satisfaction I got from just thinking that I could call up an evangelical hotline and receive a buck in the mail was exciting.
But the ensuing harassment?
For a buck?
Probably not worth it.
Looks like I’d make it into their database. Good thing I don’t have satellite TV.
Yea, verily, forgive me for I have sinned.