WiFi and Much Ado quote

WiFi and Much Ado quote

“He swore a thing to me on Monday night, which he foreswore on Tuesday morning.” Shakespeare’s \\Much Ado About Nothing\\ [V.i.164>

Traveling around, I’ve recently discovered the joys of WiFi – 802.11 – net access. It can be very, very fast. It can be quite handy. Unfortunately, it’s become a commodity now, not something done for the greater good of us road warrior types.


802.11 blog


I’m afraid I’m a true net person these days. Along about Wichita Falls, I hit the eject button on the little hybrid car’s CD player and tuned into a Ft. Worth country station I’ve grown accustomed to. It’s not like it’s a really good station, but their play list does have a wealth of Texas artists, and the ads are for places like Billy Bob’s [legendary honky-tonk of epic proportions>. I heard a version of song – Hank Snow’s \\I’ve been everywhere, man\\ – done by, I was guessing and the stupid DJ didn’t **list** the artist – but it sure did sound like Joe Ely. Heard it again, and it’s got a kicker, see, it’s the same tune, but the lyrical refrain is \\just towns in Texas\\. I’ve been through most of them. Had coffee in some, chicken fried in others.

So I did a quick net search, trying to get the album title, so I could rumble off to the store and pick it up. No luck. \\It’s not a Joe Ely tune\\. But it **is** a Brian Burns song, done up nicely, and available at Texas Music Roundup.

Forgive me, for I have paid retail. But that will make just an excellent source for much new material. Plus, it’s a list of places I’ve been to, or will be going to soon.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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