Books written by Kramer Wetzel
Predictive Astrology — Kramer Wetzel’s Little Book of Transits.
Select titles available for 99 cents —
99 cent bookstore
Bare Foot Astrology
The workshop is now available from Amazon and other sources, as a text book. – Kramer Wetzel
Bare Foot Astrology (Volume 1)The Portable Mercury Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde three-four times in a calendar year. Warnings, dire threats, problems, and some solutions, in this handy tome.
Pitfalls, pratfalls, guidelines, remedies and foibles of the human spirit. The Portable Mercury Retrograde sets out to dispel some of the errant mythology about the phase of Mercury and how to best harness these disparate energies.

Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel
Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in RetrogradeEAN-13: 9781449911508
You Tube video
Some titles are available at:
Eagles Nest
1235 Basse Rd
San Antonio, TX 78212
Kramer Wetzel’s little book of transits
What this book does, it offers more than 25 years’ experience looking at charts and plotting actions as planets continue to move and as a person continues to evolve.
- When is a good day for me?
- What is a good time to take action?
- When is a good time to be still and listen, rather than speak brashly, rashly, and ultimately get subsumed by the orbital mechanics?
- “When to hold them, and when to fold them,” simply put.
Apple Books — 99¢ (link here)
Amazon (trade paperback) $9.99 (link here)
Amazon Kindle $2.99 (link here)

Fishing Guide to the Stars
Fishing Guide to the Stars: Fishing for love thru the zodiac
The long title ought to be about as self-explanatory as need be.
As an astrologer, my most common question from clients, friends and cohorts:
“I’m a (insert sign here). Do I get along with a (insert sign here)?”
As a writer, this text had the weirdest history. It started out as a book, at an editor’s request, then I popped it up on the web page, as I fine-tuned the material. Finally, I published it. Quick, concise, down and dirty look at what signs get along with what signs. Includes a handy thumb-nail sketch for each sign — along with bait suggestions.
It was written over a period of years, with thousands of charts used as archetypes and examples. No names, though. For sure. Tens of thousands of charts.
Much research.
The real title? It should be something like “A Girl’s Guide to Bass Fishing, Boys and Boats.” Although, it might not be clear, it’s a guide on what combinations work best to land what (sign) of boy. Guy. Guide.

Title: Fishing Guide to the Stars: Fishing for love thru the zodiac
“Astrological Romance Reference”
Fishing Guide to the Stars – Kramer Wetzel
Fishing Guide to the Stars – fishing for loveISBN: 1-4116-0156-4
Pink Cake
Pink Cake is a commonplace book.
“A ‘commonplace book,’ I was introduced to the idea in college, and it was supposed to be a place, like, a notebook, where artists and authors collected the scraps and tidbits of inspiration. Quotes, short passages, notes to one’s self.
“I’ve collected a database of useful information and here it is, a selection of quotes and other inspirational material. Perhaps more telling and more fun, for copyright and other legal considerations, check out the pdf file of quotes that didn’t make it into the collection.”

Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel
ISBN-13: 978-1434805751
A Commonplace Book (full text PDF & cut quotes PDF)
Two-Meat Tuesday
Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel
Two-Meat TuesdayISBN-13: 978-1411638723
Website:’s, “Best of the Double Aughts” is culled, personal favorites, near-misses, and few bad executions, but still personally fulfilling “best of” images.

Bexar County Line – Kramer Wetzel
Bexar County’s (ISSN Library of Congress: 2150-685X)
The best of the Double Aughts (draft)
Published source.
ISBN: 1453764178
EAN-13: 9781453764176
San Pedro Creek
San Pedro Springs delineates a portion of Central Texas. San Pedro Springs feed the San Pedro Creek. This is a collection of images, rambling observation, at times humorous, at times wistful, a look at life from two years spent camping on the San Pedro Creek floodplain.
The cover image is the Laguna Madre, the San Pedro Creek joins the San Antonio River and drains into that bay.

San Pedro Creek – Kramer Wetzel
San Pedro CreekDownload the PDF: San Pedro Creek.
ISBN: 1449527507
EAN-13: 978-1449527501
The Tao (free PDF) is here.
Marcus Aurelius Meditations (free PDF)
Another Marcus Aurelius Meditations
Drawer for Wishes
Drawer For Wishes … First Chapter, read aloud.
Drawer For Wishes – Kramer Wetzel
Drawer for Wishes
Drawer For Wishes: an curation
Other published resources. Amazon.
Older Columns, collected
All of 2020, collected 2020
All of 2019 Collected. 2019
ISBN: 9781674910567
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2018” all in one place
179137512X by Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2018: All of it in one place
ISBN-13: 978-1791375126
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2017”
Fishing Guide to the Stars 2017: All the Horoscopes
ISBN-13: 978-1983481048
ISBN-10: 1983481041
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2016”
Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2016
ISBN-13: 978-1542371681
ISBN-10: 1542371686
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2015”
Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2015: All the columns
ISBN-13: 978-1530906550
ISBN-10: 1530906555
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2014”
Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2014: The complete columns
ISBN-13: 978-1530894482
ISBN-10: 1530894484
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2013”
ISBN-13: 978-1530857302
ISBN-10: 1530857309
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2012”
ISBN 0-9744983-9-4
Book and eBook
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2011”
ISBN 0-9744983-8-6
(full text eBook)
Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2010
ISBN 0-9744983-1-9 (full text eBook)
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2009”
ISBN 0-9744983-7-8
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2008”
ISBN 0-9744983-0-0 (full text PDF)
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2007”
ISBN 0-9744983-5-1
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2006”
ISBN 0-9744983-6-X
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2005”
ISBN 0-9744983-4-3
Order here
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2004”
ISBN 0-9744983-3-5
Order here
“Fishing Guide to the Stars: 2003”
ISBN 0-9744983-2-7
Order here
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