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A Tale of Woe

Subtitle: bullied by Scorpio & Saturn

    Saturn in Scorpio
    Saturn Return
    Pluto Square Uranus

The planets incline, but they don’t dictate. I can calculate star charts with absolute precision.

It’s interpretation and hand-holding that differentiate my services. I keep thinking I should have a page on the site that lists the events I’ve attended, over the years. Closest I have to that is the list of upcoming locations.

So at this one, a person gets a reading from me, and the sign-up sheet says, “Readings are taken in order of sign-up, cost is $40 for approximately 15-20 minutes, cash or credit card…”

Something like that. I did an experiment with pricing, carried it over for a few events, “$36.99 for plastic (card reader on the phone), $40 cash, $45 check.” The last sign up form I was using, as I’d run out of the earlier versions were my “California” forms, $50 for 15 minutes. With CD.

Person gets a reading from me, asks questions, and there’s an agenda, only, I’m not party to what that is. Halfway through a dozen or more readings in a day, I’m spouting this and that about astrology charts, and repeating the process about Saturn in Scorpio, over and over.

I am long winded, and when I get on a particular topic, if the metaphor suits, then I’ll keep hammering.

The metaphor fit perfectly, and now, the more I think, the more I realize how well I did.

The first complaint was that I didn’t burn a CD on the spot. Sure as can be, I forgot blank CDs — they were in the other show bag. So I made an mp3 available.

“I can’t seem to download the mp3, can you email it to me?”

No, the file is too large. It’s 30 minutes of talk time.

So, when I get home, I think about it, and I know that this is one of those situations where it’s just better to mail out a CD. Burn it, drop it in the mail.

“I listened to the reading, and I don’t like what you said. You didn’t talk about astrology.”

I spoke about energy relevant to the chart in question, and the passage of certain planets, and what that symbolizes. I didn’t use appropriate language — apparently. I didn’t communicate effectively. However, I didn’t discover that until a few weeks later.

I could reprint the e-mail, but it cycled through late at night, pursuant to my terms of service, I could publish it all.

My take-away? “I didn’t like the reading, and you owe me more data.”

I reached into my pocket, as I’ve been on the road five weekends straight, I reached into my wallet and pulled out two twenty dollar bills. What I was paid for the reading.

I seriously doubt that it was the exact same two twenty-dollar bills, but I think the sum was close to accurate. Dropped that in an envelope, put a stamp on it, and I returned the fee.

I don’t do this often, but this was headed to a pissing match. This was headed to a situation where two guys are arguing about the size of their boy parts.

There’s a Scorpio from Oklahoma who I’ve grown rather fond of quoting, especially in readings. It’s in a recent horoscope, too.

“There are two theories about arguing with a woman; neither one works.”
(Will Rogers)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Rhubarb Nov 17, 2012 @ 18:16

    What I would have done, exactly. There isn’t enough money in the world worth an argument with a self-centered idiot.

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