Diners HM Frank’s

Diners HM Frank’s

Frank’s in Schulenburg, TX

It’s a town that’s grown so that it might be a single exit, or two, off the giant I–10 that connects Houston to San Antonio, then on to El Paso

But between Houston and San Antonio? It’s a perfect stop. Get a piece of pie. Get a piece of Cocoanut Cream Pie with merengue piled higher than old–school big hair. The crust was more fluffy, too.

Frank’s Restaurant only gets an honorable mention because there are a few elements missing to make it a true diner. However, the place richly deserves a mention alongside that pantheon of great roadside place to eat because stepping into Frank’s is stepping back in time to a simpler place. Where old–fashioned family values ruled. Not the dodgy parts, just the good stuff.

On the counter, there were home-made style baked goods, lined up, white bread, wheat bread, cinnamon rolls redolent with spices and sugary goodness, next to the gift shop, off to one side, all manner of roadside souvenirs one would expect. Essentially 90 miles from either Houston or San Antonio, and the folks who do take time to stop are rewarded with an experience that transcends time.

The last time I saw this kind of restaurant decor? The old El Paso Truck Stop, with its worn out Formica booths and counter. That place disappeared almost a decade ago.

On one trip, I watched when a platter was delivered, a chicken-fried steak hanging over the edges, golden crust peaking out from cream gravy, a pile of mashed potatoes off to the side, and for the sake of balance and color? A generous portion of corn. See the Libra horoscope for a description.

Frank's Restaurant

Frank’s Restaurant

Stop at Frank’s and pay homage to an era that’s almost been passed by.

Frank’s Restaurant
11 Kessler Ave
Schulenburg, TX 78956

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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