Haunted House

Haunted House

I’ll haunt thee like a wicked conscience still,
That mouldeth goblins swift as frenzy’s thoughts.

Troilus in Shakespeare’s T&C 5.10.28-9

Haunted House

Haunted houses. Haunted House. Been many long years since Abeline, many miles, too. Years.

Haunted House

I worked in a haunted house early nineties, I’m guessing.

Haunted House

Bexar County Line


The image stuck, forever, and it did change one tiny aspect of what I carry when I work. After Abeline, way back then, I started to carry a rosary, just part of the gear in the bottom of the bag, like crystals, Tarot cards, business cards, clipboard, tablecloth, and extension cords.

One Austin promoter, a couple of venues back, requested that all readers who used extension cords, made sure all extension cords for electrical (moving) parts, the cords all had to be “industrial” quality. My wonderful and rather inexpensive “dollar store” cords weren’t allowed. Not like my little laptop draw much amperage, not a lot of watts required, but I always play by the rules.

From Abeline, it is a long way to San Antonio de Bexar. Then the notion of working in a local, haunted location seems like fun. I have several, as well as a special crucifix that was allegedly blessed by a pope or something. Items collected over the years.

My favorite rosary, still riding around in the bottom of the bag, and seen occasionally on my table-top at work? Glow-in-the-Dark plastic. Two bucks, or less, back in old East Austin. While I have several similar devices, that’s always been a favorite for price, place of acquisition, and the memory of Abeline. That rosary still has dust and grime from a South Austin trailer park.

We shall see. No?

Haunted House

Chart readings and more — in one of San Antonio’s most haunted locations — see listing for details!


Bexar County Line

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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