Hot Pursuit
For nearly a decade, ever since that one girlfriend got me hooked, I’ve had a guilty pleasure of Stuart Woods novels. The most recent is no exception.
Hot Pursuit by Stuart Woods.
Some of the London locations tug at my heartstrings, so to speak.
There’s a sense of whimsy, always at hand, but what I admire most is workmanlike prose and impeccable timing. I tend to make sure I’ve got a free evening for the last half of the book, as it turns it turns into an all-consuming tale.
In part, at first, the serial stories with recurring characters were a tad bit grittier, but we all clean up, over the years. There’s still the suspense and timing that gets me, a correct balance, in my reader’s mind.
I wasn’t too worried the main protagonist was going to be killed off, though, as the next book is already scheduled for a summer release, and this material is excellent beach reading.