Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

Stardust Motel

Stardust Motel

Historically? Saw this in 1962, 1976, 1989-90, 2003. Not like this is new or surprising, well, except with Uranus? It’s always surpising. Uranus is in Aries, Uranus in Aries. Jupiter is in Libra, Jupiter in Libra.

Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

When I make coffee, even that first pot in the morning, sometimes just a cup of coffee, but when I make coffee? There’s a certain amount of effort involved, on my part. Have to grind the beans, have to boil some water, have to use a process for extracting the coffee from the grinds, and none of this is particularly quick. I can make coffee in a hurry, and I do keep certain brand of instant on hand, just for such emergencies.

But the usual process is laborious, and as a labor-intensive task, I can’t make it happen quickly.

I was thinking about coffee-processes when I was looking at the up and coming Jupiter oppose Uranus in 2017.

Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

One way to approach this is how the “Self” (Aries) relates to the “World at large” (Libra). Astrology charts with material located between maybe, 18/20 Cardinal and the end of the Cardinal material up to 30? The last third of the Cardinal Signs? That gets direct input from this opposition.

The tricky thing is an “opposition” isn’t always a bad thing — “There’s nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so,” Hamlet, Boethius, &c.

This energy requires an examination of a long-held belief. How the “self” relates, fits, or works in the real world; how we, as individuals, function in our society as a whole.

With the confrontational nature of the Cardinal Energy, and the temptation, as with Uranus, to use a “scorched earth policy,” as in, level the whole scenario then try and rebuild it from the shattered pieces? A more measured response is — perhaps — better rewarded.

Less scorching, more pausing to reflect.

This planetary opposition lays a clear path and makes the areas that require attention abundantly obvious. But like I stated before, this is more a time to consider the long-held belief, maybe not toss it out the window, wholesale. Perhaps this is a time to consider modifying the part, the process, in question, maybe this opposition is about changes that can be made, not changes that have to be made.

Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

The exact dates?

Dec. 26, 2016, 20°

Mar. 2, 2017, 22°

Sep. 27, 2017, 27°

Jupiter in Libra oppose Uranus in Aries.

Jupiter and Uranus in 2017

More reading, as available: Dramatic Irony — the planets as keys to future trends.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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