Lear Quote

Lear Quote

Less of a blog post and more a strong desire to master a small amount of performance text, I think. I managed about one line, properly. Only about half a minute of a quote from Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of King Lear, but a quote that launched, really, its predecessor, but the idea launched portions of this career, such as it is.

The quote is about eclipses, and in Shakespeare’s time, the prediction of eclipses was part of the astrologer/astronomer’s day job. Timing, I guess, would be astronomy, meaning, and psychological interpretation left to astrology.

This one passage haunts me to this day, and I tried, the other morning, in the wake of the new moon in Cap, to capture me reading the lines the way I’d like to hear them. Three takes. Didn’t work. However, in the spirit of the times, and for the sake of transparency, here’s a very short video.

Lear Quote

    Lear Eclipse quote mp4

    Lear Eclipse quote mov

There was thin rim of ice on the “garden,” and the frigid cold didn’t help any, as it made getting out near impossible for me. Still, New Moon, ready for a new dawn, looking at a busy schedule?

More about the eclipses and timing, meaning and such? That’s here.


Lear Quote

Eclipse Pattern 2018

    Lear Eclipse quote mp4

    Lear Eclipse quote mov

It’s easy to see why I have such an enormous respect for anyone who does work on stage or even just in front of a camera.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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