Next Year 2016

Next Year 2016

“Every subject’s duty is the King’s, but every subject’s soul is his own.”
King Henry V, in Shakespeare’s Henry V, act IV, scene 1.

Not that it’s any surprise, but I’ve spent the better portion of the last few years listening to Shakespeare’s canon, over and over. Some of that has been incorporated into a few pieces about portions of the foreseable future with Saturn in Sagittarius, and then, the quick glance at Jupiter in Virgo.

Next Year 2016

One of my goals is to keep the astrology prognostication, the explanation about the stellar events, keep that in a format that can be easily digested.

Between Saturn, Jupiter, the relative positions of Neptune and Uranus? Then factoring in the big Mars Rertrograde with “spike the ball” Mercury Retrograde in the middle of that event? Sure.

Next Year 2016

I was listening to Shakespeare’s Henry V, and I was moved by the parts in Act IV, where King Henry V assumes an anonymous persona on stage and his character listens to what the men, his army, in various locations, the leader listens to what his army has to say about him.

Next Year 2016

Teasing out a single element that demands attention? It’s about leadership. Perhaps the familar buzzword, “Transparency,” maybe that’s part of this.

For though I speak it to you, I think the King is but a man, as I am. The violet smells to him as it doth to me; the element shows to him as it doth to me; all his senses have but human conditions. His ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man; and though his affections are higher mounted than ours, yet when they stoop, they stoop with the like wing.

    King Henry V in Shakespeare’s Henry V, act 4, &c.

The audience knows it’s the king speaking, but the character he’s talking to is unaware that he is addressing the king himself. Usually, this is easily staged with the character of the king wrapping himself up in cloak, thereby “cloaked.” Works on stage.

Pause, and consider this in the modern setting. Post-modern setting we live in now, consider the need for transparency.

Next Year 2016

    “Wars and lechery, nothing else holds fashion.”
    Thersites in Troilus and Cressida 5.1.157

The personal planets

Mercury goes retrograde 1/5/16 at one degree of Aquarius, turning direct 1/23/16 at 14 Cap.

Mercury goes retrograde 4/28/16 at 23 Taurus, turning direct 5/22/16 at 14

Mercury goes retrograde 8/30/16 at 29 Virgo, turning direct 9/21/16 at 14 Virgo (Sun at 29 Virgo).

Finally, Mercury goes retrograde 12/19/16 at 15 Cap., conjunct Pluto, until 1/8/17 at 28 Sag.

Mars goes Retrograde at 8 degrees of Sagittarius 4/17/16, eventually turning direct at 23 Scorpio 6/29/16. Mars finally gets back to 8 Sag., on 8/20/16.

Slightly more cerebral?

Jupiter, the lucky star, goes retrograde 1/7/16 in Virgo, turning direct 5/9/16. Eventually, the Lucky Star is headed into Libra, 9/9/16.

Saturn, that burly old taskmaster, 3/25/16 in Sagittarius, that-you-very-much, turning direct 8/13/16.

Uranus, the fun one? Starts a retrograde pattern 7/29/16 turning direct 12/29/16, which, in some ways, should wrap the year.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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