WordPress as Metaphor
Over the years, I toyed with several “content delivery systems,” eventually settling on WordPress, as, at the time, it was stable, robust, adolescent, and yet, showed great promise.
- I’ve not been wrong, not about this one.
A year ago, maybe a little further back, I queried a group of my business peers — online peeps — what their favorite WordPress plugins were.
As an example, one plug-in, and I’ve not settled on just one, but each site I build I tend to make sure a back-up plug-in is installed. Not the whole site, just the database. All that matters, as the rest is mere window-treatments. I want a weekly back-up, off-site, of the critical data.
Included in my list plug-ins, at one time? Yoast SEO, as I would plug that in any to any site I built, and a few other tweaks, one largely of my own making, then, that SEO plug-in got a major upgrade.
It happens. It went from useful with a paid-upgrade available, to mostly up-sell. I still run the free version on one site, just as a, kind of, SEO check thing. But only a reminder on that one site.
Built into that plug-in, was the “site map xml” function. So as I deleted the plug-in, I had to try various other ways to make a site map. “Site map” is small directory of a site‘s stuff, updated, whenever. Helps people like Google and Bing find us.
Like the old card index at the library? That’s about the same thing as the “site map.”
WordPress as Metaphor
For a few months, I used different site-map plug-ins across various sites I administer. However, why WordPress as Metaphor works so well? That function is now built into the current “factory software” — WordPress’s own JetPack. “OEM,” in old-school verbiage.
Less tinkering, runs fine, right out of the box.
Over the years, I’ve watched as a many functions that used to require add-ons, plug-ins, fiddling, tweaking, and other adjustments? More and more of that is handled by the updates, upgrades, and the system itself.
Adjust as need be, make source corrections, and motor forward, “Putt-putt.”

(WP Theme endorsement)