Working Template
Strange notice the other morning, I was glancing at something I’d written the night before, and timed to post the following morning. Just part of the blog–style I use, somewhere between “spit and post,” and “heartfelt considerations.” Mind dribbling, and whatever else.
It was a post that was launched unto the electronic highways and byways of the modern world, sent forward and left to drift. A few hours later, I glanced through the post and found a typographical mistake. Not unusual, it was of my “spit and post” variety of material. Some idea, madly rushed into a printed form and left to linger on the web. From the looks, I must’ve done it on a laptop as the post didn’t have the iOS corrections.
That was the problem. Simple spelling mistake, no big deal, and considering the volume I produce, what’s a typo among friends? Besides, blog-style means hanging modifiers, incomplete thoughts, and lack of logic.
My old tag line I loved?
Experimental and Experiential
So going along, looking over whatever I’d written and timed to post, I found a typo. I hit the button, popped over to the backside, corrected the mistake, and looked to see if there was anything else that was monumentally out of place. Looked good.
Working Template
That simple action of correcting one typing mistake, not a flaw in logic, not a bad choice of words, or incorrect punctuation — all of which I claim — no, just corrected a simple typo?
I can, and do — from time to time — go back and correct what was originally posted. Once the article or post gets picked up for the various feeds, that version is what gets distributed, usually. Until the feed calls back and scans the original or looks for an update, and I don’t even care to understand all the mechanical details.
Working Template
Still this was about the way of working, which is totally unlike the traditional publishing template. With printed word, like newspaper, magazine, book? The word is set. Etched, in stone, inviolable.
But language itself is, at best, a works in progress, as definitions and meanings, colors and shading, all of that tends to change.
In working manuscript form and in various editions of the Complete Works of Shakespeare, names, stage directions, and even the author’s signature, they all change.
So the working template when working on the web as a primary medium? It is fluid and dynamic.
Working Template
Where to get the web tools.
Working Template
Previously, about tools and work flow.