Monthly News of the World 3/94

Monthly News of the World 3/94

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas


Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, down to the last syllable of recorded time…” -Shakespeare

Last month brought up difficulties with authority. This month the conflict is more internal. The big celestial event this month is the Ô Sun moving into Aries around 4 in the afternoon, (Austin) Central Standard Time, on March 20th. It’s officially the beginning of the new Astrological year! Time for the process of renewal (again).

Aries: the Ô Sun brings warmth and light to the headstrong sign. You might find it a good time to appreciate some of the finer things in life, like art and culture. Eat yogurt at a gallery opening. Try and be mellow, for a change. Enough of that; it is a good month to exercise caution while driving.

Taurus: you might find yourself wanting to expand into new areas, like taking a dance class. Then again, you might want to pursue business management. Or perhaps it’s just a shopping extravaganza that you are looking for: there’s nothing in the world like a little retail therapy to assuage your wounded emotions.

Gemini: there’s an old song (maybe not that old), “Let’s get spiritual, spiritual…” Or something like that. The message is clear for you: the time has come to clean up your side of the street, that is, make good on some debts owed. Bad, old µ Mercury did a little dance on your head last month. This month, you can shine if you want to.

Cancer: too many typographical errors last month? Don’t complain that you were not warned, either. No whining, now, things are definitely getting better. Aren’t they? If you could only sort out your private life like your business life, then everything would be much better. Don’t say I didn’t warn, though.

Leo: quantum mechanics are out for this month. It’s you will against theirs this month. In other words, this isn’t a month for ascetic, cerebral ruminations. In plain English: don’t spend too much time thinking about it, just do it. But now it sounds like a tennis shoe commercial. As always, party on!

Virgo: it’s the battle of the wills! You against the world! (Guess who usually wins?) Watch out for major shifts in your workplace, control your anger, and look for some long-lost relatives to come searching for you. It looks as if it is going to be a powerful month for you, if you can get past some of the many obstacles, like mostly, yourself. Get on with it.

Libra: money and power are critical issues this month. (Some would say the two are synonymous; others would say the two are the same.) If you haven’t already, now is a good time to learn how to balance the two. You can expect strange events from the past to come into play this month.

Scorpio: I hope you remember the Lone Ranger because that is a syndrome you can fall into in this next month: acting and working alone (when you should be collaborating, instead). This attitude will be pervasive for the next couple of months, but it will be very strong right now. “High-ho, Silver away!” Or something to that effect.

Sagittarius: while everybody else has worked through this little difficulty with authority, it looks as if the “Lucky Archer” still has a ways to go. You will find yourself in a new position where, despite your best efforts, nothing seems to be going your way. The beauty of astrology, of course, is that you can tell this is a brief cycle. Start looking forward to a good summer.

Capricorn: by now, you should have successfully dealt with a wide range of difficult situations. You might want to take time to reflect back on what a hard time you have had, especially the 18 months or so. Careful not to rest on your laurels, though, there is still some hard work ahead. You have set some very realistic goals, and now is the time to work towards them.

Aquarius: the month begins with either outrage or in rage. Anger, which is not usually a problem for you, will be. But, like other emotions, anger’s influence is quickly dealt with, becoming the merest of fleeting problems. What starts mad ends happy.

Pisces: I tried to warn you last month about the horrible word “work” but did you listen? I guess not. There’s more of that, from whence it came, this month. You are supposed to be learning about structure, and that’s a particularly difficult task for someone with your delicate sensibilities. But that’s what at hand, for you-more work and less play. Oh well-it was bound to happen one day.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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