Monthly News of the World 5/94

Monthly News of the World 5/94

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

Prophesy, n. The art and practice of selling one’s credibility for future delivery. The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce

One really must respect the trenchant wit of the famous author, especially when he can succinctly define what is really going here. This month’s prognostications take a new angle, too.

Aries: once again, it’s your ruler, Ê Mars, making things quite lively. Enjoy the energy; engage in spring-like activities. Mountain climbing would be a good sport to try about now. Just dont make any attempts on peaks you definitely can not handle. In other ords, don’t try for something too high.

Taurus: oh boy, does this month ever start out good with love and light and happiness just abounding everywhere. So much for the good news. If you’re not careful, the month could end on a more frustrating note. Anything that begins too easily can end on a sour note so exercise aution.

Gemini: last month’s ugliness has turned into a thing of beauty for this month. While clothing was too tight last month, this month you can’t seem to expose enough skin, especially in public. New swimwear is in order. In fact, consider spending the whole month at the beach.

Cancer: if you were hopping mad last month, this month you seem to be much more concerned with peace, harmony and the little beautiful things in life. Go buy yourself some love beads. Better yet, buy a ring for your sweetheart, just to show that you care. Nothing works better than jewlry for saying, “I care.”

Leo: poor Leo! It’s another tough month for the party animal. While eveyone else is rejoicing and getting ready for summer fun, your energy is at an all time low ebb. It’s as if the tide has gone way out, taking all of yousstamina with it. Of course, for any good leo, there’s only one cure, so party on!

Virgo: while the rest of the signs are concerned with play time activites and parties, you can forge ahead with a work-like attitude and really accomplish some of your goals this month. It’s as if the giant cosmic wheels have turned and dredged up the various corners of your mind, only to turn this stuff out so you can use it in either a positive or negative way. Put it to good use. It’s called instant karma.

Libra: your normal, balanced faqcade needs an face lift as you adapt a war-like countenance in order to surmount the difficulties posited this month. You seem to need a particular fiery energy in order to get anything accomplished. If you’re not too careful, anger and frustration can rule the day.

Scorpio: what seems to affect you most this month is a slow and backward dance. time seems to have gotten stuck somewhere and you’re just not moving ahead like you would like. That’s okay, too, just as long as you remember that it does, indeed, take two to dance, even if it is a backward spiral move.

Sagittarius: fortunately, you are a broad-minded sort, otherwise, this would seem like a narrow-minded time. There are some long range cycles which are recurring with alarming frequency right now. Perhaps this is a good time to consider why you attract the type of people who fil your life right now.

Capricorn: you will find that month brings much peace and harmony, along with this tranquility comes a certain degree of business acumen, as well. The deals which you have been painstakingly careful about setting up, nuturing, and shepherding long, finally come to fruition this month. Maybe it’s not the fall yet, you can reap what you have sown.

Aquarius: perhaps ou feel like you are on unsteady ground, but you’re not. It’s just that feeling of impemnding doom which you can’t seem to shake. Get over it! The problems have long since left you. It’s time for moving forward, not looking back over your shoulder. As if you were really worried about something back there to begin with. Really.

Pisces: tough lessons are being learned right now. You might be hearingt from distant relatives. TRavel is another option at this time, too, but one must always observe caution when going to Europe. That doesn’t mean you should cancel your vacation in France, just that you need to consider how good your spoken French is at this time.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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