Monthly News of the World 10/94

Monthly News of the World 10/94

copyright Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

10/94 “It has to be done right… and that’s when the strange music starts, when you stretch your luck so far that fear becomes exhilaration and vibrates along your arms.” -Hunter S. Thompson in Hell’s Angels

The good Doctor of Gonzo is an appropriate way to start this month. µ Mercury begins its last tango for the year, the dreaded Retrograde, from October 6 to the 20th. This is exacerbated by € Venus going into retro fashion, too, from October 18 until sometime next month. If € Venus is important to you, please exercise caution.

Aries: your half birthday is coming up, as if you needed anyone obnoxious to remind you that you are getting a little long in the tooth. Not too worry, though, because after this month, the general order in your life will begin to feel much, much better. The question is, did you slow down in time?

Taurus: unfortunately, your ruler is the Goddess € Venus and she’s doing a backward tumble after the Ides of October, so it would do you good to beware. Luck, too, seems in short supply, so there are several caution flags ahead. Just slow down and take it easy. After all, what influence can a few, small and very insignificant planets have on your life?

Gemini: the really good word for the coming month involves double checking communications with just about everyone because of that pesky little µ Mercury thing and this concept: tedious balance. It’s what you’re seeking and not finding right now, but little do you realize, that balance is well within your grasp at this time.

Cancer: the last vestiges of controversy are beginning to resolve themselves right now. Some of your best-laid schemes are finally beginning to bear fruit, if that’s the term you would use. It’s still a rough time for romantic interludes, too, but that’s nothing new, now is it?

Leo: to add a little fuel to your fire, Ê Mars brings his war-like energy to heat you up, but then, you are used to this kind of energy because you are, after all, a Royal Leo. That means that you should try to curb some of you heated, reckless behavior and make an effort to stay out of trouble this month. As always, too, party on!

Virgo: one of the problems with being a Virgo is that you can always say, ‘It’s too good to be true,” and in this case, you will really feel like it’s too good to be true. Try to enjoy some of this new-found favor and fortune. Spread around some of that good luck, too, as your odds at the games of chance seem to improve this month, despite µ Mercury’s little tantrum. Just remember: you heard it here first.

Libra: the problems begin in the middle of the month when € Venus begins her backwards trek which will upset that lovely balance you labored so long to establish. Self-image might plummet but buck up, because it does get better-around Thanksgiving. Until then, you are stuck back-peddling to cover old ground since no one seems willing to come to your rescue.

Scorpio: while this month started out with such an auspicious kick, a good kick at that, this whole retrograde thing is about to get you down because µ Mercury does its little dance, beginning and ending, right here in Scorpio. Rough call, huh? Despite the dance of the planets, though, you should be experiencing all kinds of good luck.

Sagittarius: you’re feeling the effect of a seven year itch which can’t be scratched. Events from the past are here to haunt you, and this isn’t the immediate past, either. We’re talking folks and things from seven years ago. There’s no need to worry, unless, of course, you have a lot of Taurus in your chart, too. Then, all bets are off.

Capricorn: life is getting better, if only by degrees. In this case, it’s about two (2) degrees better. The backward stuff which is affecting other signs will have a minimal effect on you. You should be hollering “Forward March!” right about now. Unless you live in Austin. Then it’s “Onward though the fog,” or some similar statement.

Aquarius: it would seem that all of your relationships, romantic, platonic or otherwise, share this one characteristic this month: testy. Everyone sets you on edge, like maybe you’ve been drinking too much coffee. Cut down on the caffeine, and maybe your luck will return.

Pisces: you know the trolls live under the bridges and you have this mounting and yet, unjustified, fear that the little monsters are out to get you. No trolling this month.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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