San Angelo (West Texas) started out as a town named Saint Angela, in 1870. Bart DeWitt named the town after his wife, Angela de la Garza. The name was corrupted to San Angela, and then the postal authorities changed it to San Angelo in 1883. Strange, but true, Texas trivia. What do Saints and Settlers have to do with the stars? Well, I’m so glad you asked!
Aries: more than ever before, this is your time to shine. The Ô Sun has moved into the starting block for the Astrological New Year, Aries is ready to hit the road with a renewed sense of vigor and zeal. With your wheels spinning as much as they are right now, perhaps that’s a renewed sense of vigor and squeal — but try to make the squealing noise allegorical rather than real tires squealing. Birthdays mean car conflicts, especially for the Rams.
Taurus: the influence of an approaching € Venus is further height-ened by a quick hit from µ Mercury, in plainer English, everything is beautiful right now, and you just want to sing about it. The pejorative influences of the past month is over, and you can look forward to some rewards from your better than usual sense of taste. Better yet, try using your communication skills to get in touch with distant friends and start planning a birthday party.
Gemini: all you really want to do right now is to move forward in the world and make a new statement about who and what you are. The problem with this high falutin’ ideal is the real world (ugly words) gets in your way. It’s a good time to reach for the brass ring on the merryÜgoÜround of life. The obstacles come from your own doing, that is, your own arrogance might get in the way. Watch out and guard against sabo-taging your own self.
Cancer: remember how I told you to get me a new motor for my boat? Did you listen? No? Well, now it looks like it’s time for some cruel paybacks„learn to duck. If you can imitate the action of a duck, you might be able to waddle through this emotional mess you have created. If you are a good Cancer, then you need to consider making a donation to the ñBuy Kramer a new motorî fund, because Kramer is tired of this little outboard. And so are you. Hint: send money and it’ll ease your guilt. And watch out for Mercury (heavy metal, not the planet) in your bass this month.
Leo: first of all, shut up for just one tiny second, okay? Now, I warned you last month to rest up. Did you? Of course not, you never listen to my advice. Which is too bad because now there aren’t enough hours in the day to take care of all the business which is flying towards you. If you pick your bait real, real, careful, you can catch anything in the lake. Just be careful, though, because there are some really big bottom dwellers down by the dam. Really big ones, left over from the Stone Age. Look out.
Virgo: even if your missing or dubious judgment isn’t back up to snuff, you should be feeling a little less pain from the previous month. Of course, now there’s a new pain in your lower back, and you’re just not sure exactly how it happened. To much fun last month? Or is this an emotional pain in the backside? You still have a ways to go before life is any more fair.
Libra: you’ll find that you are opposed to just about every decision any one makes, so why bother and compromise? Just like last month, avoid decisions right now „ your sense and judgment are off center right now, and every Libra hates to be unbalanced.
Scorpio: just like a proverbial bad penny which always seems to show up at the most inopportune moment, your own personal nightmare ma-chine is back. The poetry people call it the ñlong dark night of the soul,î and that’s really a fitting epi-thet for what you’re going through. A few, lingering corners in your soul still need s bit of cleaning. Hope is just around the corner, though, as monetary reward is in the heavens for you.
Sagittarius: most Archers have gotten swept up in twisting and turning tides of fortune„phenomenal good luck offset by irascible glimpses of darkness„what does it all mean? You’re supposed to be setting down some solid foundations to build on for the next millennia. Plain English: start planning and building on what is at hand, you’re luck has never felt better. Just hold on to yourself.
Capricorn: the electricity feels like it has left, so just settle down a bit and get prepared for some hard work ahead in the coming month. Is that simple enough to understand?
Aquarius: too bad this is going to begin a period of time which sounds an awful lot like a tired out pop song from the Sixties, but it is, indeed, the age of Aquarius. Die Hard rebels that you are, you might find yourself aligning with the ultra conservative right at a time like this, but this is only because it is a unique expres-sion of your individuality.
Pisces: the end of the month looks wonderful, it’s just that the beginning of the month can lead you towards some excessive consumption, sort of a conspicuous excess which might have some deleterious side effects. Try not to miss work because you’re too worn out from playing at night. You might still need that day job next month.