Week of: Jan 15 – 21

Week of: Jan 15 – 21

Aries [3/23-4/20]: Well, by now, you will realize that there seems to be some divine and ultimately untimely (for you) design in the sky. You often feel like you can’t seem to get ahead, no matter what you do. The good news is that this little time of trial and tribulation is over. The small errors which seems to leap out and attach themselves to you are going to be gone pretty soon, off to bother another sign. The brief period of relief is right around the corner, literally. Get ready for some sweeping changes soon.

Taurus [4/21-5/22]: The good news is that you are especially sharp and incisive this week. On the other foot, waiting for the next shoe to fall, as it were, the rest of the world does not understand one bit of your wonderful insight right now. In other words, as smart as you are, you can not communicate what criticisms you have with out appearing like an overbearing blowhard fool. Best course of action? Keep those sharp and wonderful observations to yourself this week. The time will come, later, much later, when you will want to call upon these bits of knowledge.

Gemini [5/23-6/21]: Talk about your winds of change! The good news is that you are a mutable air sign therefore you can adapt. The big promise for this week is that nothing at the end of the week is going to be like it is at the beginning of the week. No tired old work routine. No tired old home if routine. No tired old vacation routine. No tired old sex life. Not tired old mate. No tired old, well, by now you get the picture. Just watch, though, because it could be your own frustrations which trigger some of the problems.

Cancer [6/22-7/22]: If you weren’t a Cancer, I would tell you about all sorts of mystical revelations and great spiritual insight that you gaining this week. But you don’t believe in all that “metaphysical claptrap” anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Look at this: Mercury is opposing you right now, so keep your head down at work. You will probably want to tell the boss to try an anatomical impossible procedure. It isn’t a good idea to be giving such commands, not this week.

Leo [7/23-8/23]: We all know, and we all acknowledge that Leo’s have the best taste. Usually. The problem is that week, your taste seems to be a bit off. In other words, your sense of style is out of date. While that may appear fashionable to some folk some of the time, it doesn’t work right now. This is a good time to keep your self and your big mouth out of trouble. Watch out for the pesky, annoying, but ultimately minor Mercury thing. Look out for daily minor annoyances. It’s bound to happen, and your royal patience is going to be tested.

Virgo [8/24-9/23]: There’s a bait place in Bransom, MO that has the lovely name of Salty Sucker Bait Co. You can find them at http://www.usa.net/branson/salty/salty.htm. Why should this be a concern of yours? You need to look at what bait you used last year. Remember, not everything last year worked, and I think you would do much better if you spent this week looking for some new fishing supplies. Don’t fish? Then get out the catalogs and start looking for some new something. It is high time that you refurbished your old lifestyle. Begin the research this week.

Libra [9/24-10/23]: Stop me if I’ve lectured you about this before, but there is a ball of ice in the sky that both astronomers and astrologers don’t know exactly what to do with. It’s called Chiron, and the name is derived from a centaur. The current astronomical thought is that Chiron is an old comet nucleus, four miles or so of ice and mud. For just old ice and mud, though, it is playing an important role in your life right now. Health and healing moves to the forefront with you. Especially this week. Get the fishing gear ready for the season coming up.

Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: After innumerable years of ill fortune and bad luck, I have managed to incur the wrath of just about Scorpio on this planet. Well, at least the ones who read this stuff, anyway. It wasn’t intentional, I merely look at the stars and the signs, and after a profound analysis, I come up with serious prognostications. What’s this week hold for the Scorpion? Put off short term happiness in the short run for a long term satisfaction in the long run. You’ll be happier. This really applies in a relationship situation.

Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: The way things are going right now, it looks like that new romance has turned sour. Get over your silly self and get on with the real matters at hand right now: new fishing gear. This is vitally important to your upcoming fishing season, unless, of course, you were like those brave souls who fished on New Year’s day at Lake Abeline. 30 degree weather for fishing indeed!

Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: Poor old Capricorn! There is at least one astrological writer who suggests that all Capricorn’s are old souls. I’ll wager that statement pretty well sums up how you feel this week. No, the world is not out to get you, although, a little paranoia wouldn’t hurt too much. The problem is that pesky Mercury takes you for a backward tumble right now. Introspection, navel gazing, and wool gathering are highlighted for the week. Don’t attempt too much right now because it could backfire. This is a good time to be “collecting your thoughts,” like collecting butterflies. You’ll be a little more scattered than usual.

Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: Oh dear me. Oh dear. Oh. Relationships always pose a special problem for the Aquarius because you Aquarius types insist on being unusual. Open relationships, serial monogamy, polygamy, all seem to appeal to you. For some strange and almost inexplicable reason, you feel like settling down this week. Please remember that the planets merely indicate a cyclic direction, but do not indicate anything absolute resolve. What does it mean? You want to get married this week, but the feeling will pass, just like other bodily functions. And trying to tie down an Aquarius is an equally repugnant idea.

Pisces [2/19-3/22]: Aren’t you the social butterfly this week? All of a sudden, all the doom and gloom is a bright spot! Every other sign is suffering the slings and arrows of an outrageous Mercury Retrograde and you are enjoying better everything. Your social calendar fills up this week, you feel like dressing up and going out, you attract a lot of attention and bask in the warm glow of your friends’ spotlight. Enjoy the cool influence right now, it’s too good to last very long, but it is a welcome respite from the boring work routine. Just a little bit longer.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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